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One of the best things to do before you start marketing your listing is ensuring you have great images. This can be really tough for homeowners and agents who are already overwhelmed with everything else that needs to happen when selling a home. With these simple tips, you can ensure your photos help generate interest and not scare people away.

Declutter before the first photo is taken. Removing belongings is key to good photos.  Removing furniture, simplifying the room and organizing what is left will help potential buyers better understand how they will use the space.

Understand the photos you need. All houses are different, but what a buyer wants to see is pretty consistent. Ensure you have a list of all the photos you want before you start. Examples include wide-angle shots of the bedrooms, curb appeal shots, a few of the backyard, one of each bathroom, etc.

Stage the home for the perfect picture. With staged homes typically getting 1% to 5% higher offers from buyers, it is important to stage certain areas of the home. In the case of your photos, stage certain areas for the perfect shot. A great example would be fresh fruit in the kitchen or a perfectly set outdoor table before a BBQ.

Try some new tricks of the trade. Most professional photographers will have a tripod, a wide-angle lens and will be shooting from different angles, giving it a more artistic feel.  You should be trying that too!

Ask for advice and feedback. Much like anything else you are learning, you should be open to receiving advice and feedback. It can be intimidating to put your work in front of another professional and ask for their honest feedback, but the payoff is worth it as it will only help you get better!

For more information, or to book a free marketing review with Amarki, feel free to book a time here, or give Amarki a try and visit the website here.

Amarki was built by real estate experts for brokerages and sgents based on years of industry experience and firsthand feedback. We developed a marketing tool accessible to anyone, no matter the experience or marketing budget. By providing an intuitive tool that works “for” the agent, Amarki is able to remove the complexity of marketing tasks making agents more active. Check us out at here.