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It’s that time of year again. Pumpkin spice everything is on the menu, and the holiday season is on the horizon. For agents, it’s also time for you to get some end-of-the-year contracts signed as demand persists and the market frenzy and competition cools down a bit.

With summer in your rearview mirror, it’s an excellent time to revamp your home staging strategies to set the autumn vibe. Setting the appropriate tone for your listings is essential for agents as you convince potential buyers to sign on the dotted line this fall.

Here are four seasonal home staging tips to consider.

Add Fall Accent Colors

Perhaps the most anticipated aspect of the season is the changing colors of the leaves. Find ways to incorporate different hues of orange, red, gold and greens throughout your listing with accent items like centerpieces, blankets, curtains and other decor.

Mind the Curb Appeal

The saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but potential buyers will judge a home by its exterior. Keeping up with curb appeal is critical. Make sure to rake fallen leaves from the lawn and clear gutters and walkways. Take care of any season maintenance on the exterior, and be mindful of outdoor decorations and plants if they need to be swapped out.

Make it Comfy

Fall can be pretty, but it is also a chilly time of year. Help your potential buyers feel more at home by promoting a warm and cozy ambiance. Turn the thermostat up a bit before showing your listing, and decorate your sofas and chairs with plush pillows and blankets to give it a comfy appeal that will encourage people to stay awhile.

Use Delighting Scents

The aromas of autumn are distinct and memorable, which is how you want your listing to come across from the moment a potential buyer walks in. From pumpkin spice to apples and cinnamon, all you need to do is take your pick. Depending on the smell you want to use, it can be as simple as buying the appropriate candles or potpourri. If you’re going to take it a step further and have an affinity for baking, a fresh pie could also have a similar effect on the nose with the added benefit of a snack.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate online editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jgrice@rismedia.com.