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Howard Hanna Real Estate Services has named Kathy Forrester chief marketing officer.  Forrester’s arrival concludes a months-long search for a new marketing leader to expertly guide the strategic initiatives of the organization, according to the company.

Forrester is a marketing veteran with more than 30 years of experience with iconic brands such as Walt Disney World, Sotheby’s International Real Estate, Talbots, Hydroid, Pizza Hut, Hyatt and Sheraton, along with several prominent national advertising agencies.

Prior to joining Howard Hanna, Forrester led all marketing and strategic initiatives for The Randall Family of Companies, a New England real estate company with $11 billion in sales during the seven years she was affiliated with the brands. During her tenure, the organization achieved year-after-year, record-breaking sales while she developed an award-winning marketing organization and expanded the company’s technology capabilities. Forrester also directed a major tri-state rebranding effort, as well as oversaw several significant marketing and technology initiatives and seven corporate acquisitions.

“I am thrilled to join the leadership team of such a highly regarded organization, the country’s leading independent real estate company. I look forward to leveraging my experience, along with the many talents of an existing, highly skilled marketing team to support the company’s strategic plans,” said Forrester. “It is a professional privilege to become part of the Howard Hanna Real Estate Services family.”

Forrester is affiliated with multiple professional boards and committees including the LeadingRE Marketing Technology Advisory Committee and the Cape Cod Leadership Institute.

“I am pleased to welcome Kathy to our team,” said Helen Hanna Casey, chief executive officer of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services, in a statement. “Her vast experience in the real estate industry will be invaluable as we continue to grow in new regions and solidify our brand across our existing markets.”

A native of Pennsylvania, and graduate of Penn State and the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Forrester and her family will establish residence in the Cleveland area where she will guide the Marketing team from Howard Hanna’s Cleveland Office.

“We are excited to have Kathy on the Hanna team,” said Howard W. “Hoby” Hanna, IV, president of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services, in a statement. “Her extensive work with top name brands and industry experience will help her continue to evolve our Marketing team into a world-class operation to support our entire family of businesses.”

For more information, please visit