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If you’re a successful agent, your weeks are usually extremely busy. You may want to keep up with former clients and earn new referrals as part of your workday to-dos, but with such little downtime, those thoughtful touches can fall by the wayside.

One way to combat this issue is to make time for it on the weekend—and if you do it right, it can even be relaxing, or even fun! Here are a few habits you should consider using to garner new referrals over the weekend without feeling like you’re still working:

Create a morning routine. Choose either Saturday or Sunday morning and each week make it a habit of spending one hour writing out cards or personal emails to your former clients. Be sure to keep an ongoing roster of these people and keep track of all the touches you have sent. This doesn’t have to be a chore either…brew yourself some coffee and play relaxing music while you write these notes.

Get your family involved. This new task piggybacks on the one listed above. If you’re spending time writing out actual letters to your former clients once a week. At the end of each Saturday or Sunday, enlist your partner and/or your children to help you address and stamp each letter or postcard that you’ll be mailing. You can watch your family’s favorite TV show while doing this and have fun with this task as well!

Start a newsletter. If you don’t need to focus any extra attention on personal emails or letters each week, consider creating an insightful weekly newsletter for your clients. Along with offering insights to your clients on social media, this is one of the best ways to position yourself as a real estate expert in your local market. Spend an hour or two each weekend creating an insightful newsletter about housing activity, local events or a compilation of fun stories aggregated from other sources.

Just a few of these habits can help you create long-lasting client relationships and referrals you can rely on for years to come.

Jameson Doris is RISMedia’s social media/blog editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jdoris@rismedia.com.