If you fear your brown thumb may keep houseplants from thriving, try one of these low-maintenance types that may be willing to take a chance on you.
Jade Plant
This broad-leafed succulent does pretty well with infrequent watering and will even reward your spotty care with pink or white flowers in the spring.
Cast-Iron Plant
This plant tolerates low light and infrequent watering, and its glossy, green leaves can grow up to two feet tall.
Snake Plant
This attractive plant will endure in low light and can live in just about any room of the house. A little accidental neglect in watering will not kill it.
Chinese Evergreen
Happy even in dry environments and partially shady locations, they don’t often flower indoors, but often make for a stunning display.
Not just a flavorful herb, it has great drought tolerance, doesn’t mind a bit of shade, and you can pluck a few stems and use them in soups or stews.