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Corcoran Group, LLC has announced the continuation of its global expansion by welcoming its newest affiliate and entrance into Puerto Rico with the launch of Corcoran Puerto Rico.

The announcement made by Pamela Liebman, President and CEO of The Corcoran Group, represents yet another milestone in the firm’s expansion and complements its growing Caribbean footprint, the company states. The affiliate is led by Blanca Hebé López Pierluisi, a former Corcoran affiliated agent and Puerto Rico native, who returned to the island after working on numerous successful new development projects with Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group in New York City.

With incredibly vibrant culture and cuisine, Puerto Rico is home to some of the world’s best beaches and considered an emerging secondary home market for the United States, especially due to its considerable tax advantages and proximity to the contiguous United States. Rich with a variety of experiences—from exploring Old San Juan, to golfing on some of the world’s best courses, to snorkeling on colorful coral reefs—this affiliate is a strong fit for Corcoran’s exceptional brand.

“I’m always thrilled when one of our own finds their way back to us, so to be joining forces with Blanca to bring Corcoran Puerto Rico to life is truly special,” said Liebman. “Continuing to create more opportunities for all of our affiliated agents and clients is at the center of this growth, and I have no doubt that this new talented team will bring the Corcoran brand to the region in a strong and exciting way.”

Located in the capital of San Juan in the heart of Condado Beach, Corcoran Puerto Rico is a leading organization serving a variety of areas in the state including Condado, Dorado, Miramar, Guaynabo, Old San Juan, and extending through the West Side of the island to Rincon and Isabela. The firm formerly known as Gramercy Real Estate Group was founded in 2016 and specializes in both high-end home sales and rentals, with strong relationships with local developers. The firm has already sold $50 million in real estate this year.

“We are thrilled to put Puerto Rico on the map with this new endeavor as Corcoran Puerto Rico. This is such a prime opportunity for growth, particularly given the current boom in real estate here on the island,” said Pierluisi, owner and broker of record for Corcoran Puerto Rico.

“Having been part of Corcoran for almost a decade in New York City, it feels like bringing my extended family home. I believe strongly in our collective philosophy and I’m excited for what’s ahead. I’m very proud of this partnership and to represent one of the most respected brands in the industry in my home of Puerto Rico.”

For more information about The Corcoran Group, visit www.corcoran.com.