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Broker/Owner Navona Hart has announced that Real Living Cornerstone, a Virginia-based firm covering 58 towns in 17 counties will affiliate with Century 21 Real Estate LLC, and will now do business as CENTURY 21 Realty @ Home.

“Everything that I do, the culture I’ve worked very hard to bring to life demands that my family of agents have access to industry-best products, services and support to help them strengthen current relationships and build new ones,” said Hart. “After much deliberation and meetings with top industry brands, I chose to affiliate Century 21 Real Estate because it is the best option for my agents and for my brokerage to reach new heights.”

A REALTOR® since 1994 and active supporter of the community, Hart has served on the organizational committee for Downtown Farmville Partnerships, as Gala co-chair for the biannual LCVA winter gala, The Longwood Center for the Visual Arts Advisory Board, the board of the South-Central Association of REALTORS®, and on the Virginia Association of REALTORS®’ Manager’s Council.

“Navona’s commitment to giving back to her community and going above and beyond for her clients aligns perfectly with our organization’s mission to defy mediocrity and deliver extraordinary experiences,” said Mike Miedler, president and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate LLC. “Hers is a history of giving 121% in everything that she does, and her affiliation is amazing news for us, but more importantly for real estate consumers and sales professionals looking for a new place to call home in Farmville and Prince Edward and Cumberland counties.”

For more information, visit https://www.century21.com/.