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United Real Estate announced its appointment of Phillip Cantrell to executive vice president of Strategy, in addition to news of major program and platform enhancements.

 In 2022 and continuing into the first quarter of 2023, United stated that they have launched significant new programs and tools to its national network, including a significantly enhanced United University powered by a user-friendly Learning Management System, a new comprehensive agent and broker marketing platform, United Marketing Hub and significant enhancements to United’s proprietary cloud-based agent productivity platform, Bullseye Cloud™. These new offerings significantly strengthen United’s brokers’ and agents’ ability to outperform the adjusting market.

 With the appointment of Cantrell as Executive Vice President of Strategy, United stated that they continue to accelerate the realization of its vision. In this newly created role, Cantrell will serve in an advisory and execution capacity for strategic initiatives and partner strategy. He will continue in his duties as CEO of Benchmark Realty, a market share-leading Nashville-based company, which joined United’s national network in 2020.

 “When you are in rapid growth mode like United, you have to take time to measure, assess your strategic positioning in the market and see industry trends coming. Not doing it is how you get blindsided. It is critical to be on the leading edge of the curve so you can modify and adapt quickly. We want to put the right tools into the hands of our affiliated agents and brokers ahead of time, not after they are needed,” stated Cantrell.

 United is one of only three companies ranked in the top ten with growth in both transactions and sales volume in 2022, according to RISMedia’s 35th Annual Power Broker Report. The company attributes their profitability to their key competitive differentiator, their cloud-based technology platform Bullseye Cloud. The Bullseye Agent Productivity Platform eliminates much of the cost burden of purchasing third-party tech. United continues to roll cost savings into its network for higher commission payouts to agents and for other strategic investments.

“We are in a unique position at this point in time to be able to lean in when the industry is contracting and make smart investments. United is purpose-built to profit in all phases of the market, which gives us a huge advantage over other legacy and next-generation brokerage models,” stated United Real Estate Group Chief Executive Officer, Dan Duffy.

 United Real Estate President Rick Haase added that “It all comes down to being proactive. Our industry has traditionally been reactive. By focusing on the long term, and not just the current market cycle, we are ensuring the success of our Agents and the welfare of our clients. Phillip founded and is growing Benchmark Realty through hard work and adherence to solid principles that are well aligned with United Real Estate. We are grateful for his continued involvement and leadership within the company. Our mission to improve the financial trajectory of our agents’ careers and lives informs all of our strategic decision-making, this appointment included.”

 To learn more about United Real Estate, brokerage succession planning, brokerage valuation and sale or franchising opportunities, visit http://www.growwithunited.com/.