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Anywhere Real Estate Inc has announced its inclusion on Forbes’ Best Employers for Diversity 2023 list. Anywhere has previously appeared four times on the list, which is presented by Forbes and statistics portal/industry ranking provider Statista Inc.

“Anywhere is deeply committed to serving and uplifting all communities of people, and I am proud that we continue to be recognized as a Best Employer for Diversity by Forbes,” said Tanya Reu-Narvaez, Anywhere chief people officer. “This recognition honors our incredible employees, who have thoughtfully cultivated a people-first culture of inclusion and authenticity, empowering everyone to learn, grow, and innovate to build a better industry and help propel our future towards progress for all.”

Anywhere prides itself as a leader in employee diversity, with a focus on attracting, hiring, developing, and promoting diverse talent and creating an internal culture that is inclusive, ethical, collaborative, and rewarding, the company said. Anywhere embraces diverse leadership representation and has an executive management committee made up of 50% women leaders.

 Employees have opportunities to participate in events focused on understanding and advocacy, including a “Week of Understanding” in 2023 highlighting the importance of creating a workplace where everyone feels like they belong. Anywhere also offers eight Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), which promote an inclusive culture with a focus on career development, education, and networking. In 2022, Anywhere ERGs held more than 160 events with nearly 8,200 attendees across the company.

 Anywhere also offers various programs and resources that help champion diversity and move the industry to what’s next including:

  • Inclusive Ownership Program – a first-of-its-kind franchise ownership initiative designed to support the growth and productivity of entrepreneurs from diverse populations.
  • What Moves Her – a trailblazing campaign open to all Anywhere brands that supports the growth of women in real estate through education and networking.
  • CENTURY 21 Empowering Latinas – a national initiative that enables Latinas to obtain their real estate license through financial stipends and receive ongoing mentorship along with real, hands-on experience to prepare them for success in the real estate industry.
  • Anywhere Diversity and Inclusion Networks – externally focused, market-based membership networks that meet regularly to engage and recruit diverse agents.
  • In 2022, Anywhere continued its commitment to fair housing with its updated Fair Housing eLearning Course, mandatory to all Anywhere employees and expanded access to the training across its external industry partners.

“Anywhere has the courage to allow us to explore topics that are socially relevant and to publicly take a stand for what is so important in the LGBTQ+ Community,” said Tommie Wehrle, learning specialist for Coldwell Banker Affiliates and REALPRIDE ERG Leadership Advisor. “We get to educate through awareness, give a voice for those who haven’t yet found theirs, and provide a safe space for everyone to express themselves, while celebrating the difference diversity, equity and inclusion makes. Our jobs are more than just what we do, it’s now more about who we are.”

For more information, visit https://www.anywhere.re/.