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Software company CubiCasa has partnered with Bright MLS, the second largest Multiple Listing Service (MLS) in the country, to offer CubiCasa’s easy-to-use floor plan creation app to Bright subscribers. The collaboration will expand the use of floor plans on listings within the Bright MLS membership pool.

“Bright has identified visual media, including floor plans, as being critical to the success of listings, and we have invested heavily in innovating in the space,” said Richard McDonald, vice president, business development & strategic partnerships, Bright MLS. “With CubiCasa, we see an opportunity to offer subscribers a way to simplify the floor plan creation process so that listings are more effective, allowing our members to maximize the value they provide to their clients.”

The collaboration with Bright MLS is part of CubiCasa’s MLS Partnership Program, launched in December, 2022. Bright MLS the 11th MLS to join the growing program. The program empowers agents with free floor plans for new listings, discounted pricing for optional add-on features, and access to CubiCasa’s directory of professional real estate photographers who are already actively using CubiCasa. 

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, floor plans are the second most desired feature on a home listing after standard listing photos and property data. However, only a small share of home listings in the U.S. have floor plans today. CubiCasa’s unique product offerings and the power and reach of the partnership with Bright MLS aim to change that.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Bright MLS to our MLS Partnership Program,” said Jeff Allen, president of CubiCasa. “We’re on a mission to bring floor plans to every listing in the U.S. because of the immense value it can create for an organized real estate ecosystem, and Bright is a great partner in that vision.”

For more information, visit https://www.brightmls.com/home.