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Realty ONE Group has announced it has hired David Romero as their Executive Vice President of Growth. 

“David has always been an agent-centric leader which makes him the perfect match for Realty ONE Group,” said Vinnie Tracey, president of Realty ONE Group. “But he’s also driven by his passion for real estate and for people and he works incredibly hard to make their lives better.”

Romero began his career as a real estate professional and then broker before accepting a role as COO and soon after CEO/president of a large brokerage in Southern California, according to a release. Under his leadership, the brokerage grew to one of the top five franchises in this global real estate brand for over 15 years, with 18 offices and over 1,000 REALTORS® .

“It was so critical for me to align with an organization that is transparent about fees and has a business model, coaching and support that makes sense but also ONE that shares true passion and respect,” said Romero. “There is a kindness and sincerity that abounds in this organization and I could feel it moment ONE. It’s authentic and very contagious.”

During his time at the brokerage, the company stated that Romero also developed a coaching program through which many of his agents increased their gross commission income (GCI), landing them in the top 1% of the industry. Because of this experience, Romero stated he was drawn to Realty ONE Group’s business coaching through ONE University, as well as the franchisor’s extraordinary COOLTURE, branding and charitable giving.

“David knows real estate professionals and every inch of their journey to becoming successful,” said Mike Clear, COO and CFO of Realty ONE Group. “That kind of experience is invaluable in continuing to grow our thriving network.”

Learn more at https://franchising.realtyonegroup.com/
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