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On May 10 at its monthly company update, Lamacchia Realty announced the promotion of Shane Bronson to regional vice president–Florida. Bronson, who will now be part of the Lamacchia executive team, first joined the company in 2018 as a vice president of relocation.

“I am absolutely thrilled to embark on this exhilarating journey of expanding Lamacchia Realty into the flourishing state of Florida!” said Bronson. “The opportunity to leverage Lamacchia’s cutting-edge systems, unwavering agent support, comprehensive training, and unparalleled lead generation capabilities to empower agents in achieving their own success is so exciting I cannot contain my eagerness to be an integral part of this transformative process, to work alongside a dynamic team of professionals, and to make a lasting impact in the real estate industry in Florida.”

Sarah Hatch, Lamacchia’s director of Relocation, will assume oversight over day-to-day operations of the department as Bronson takes on his new role. Bronson has helped train agents at Lamacchia’s recently launched office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company says this is one reason why he was selected as regional vice president – Florida.

“Moving a valued real estate veteran who is on our Executive Team to Florida to be in charge of the region is all part of our determination to dramatically grow our company all over the state in the years to come,” said CEO Anthony Lamacchia. “Since opening there three years ago, Shane has provided a tremendous amount of help with many of the details involved in the launch, not only from his relocation experience but Broker as well. As we decided that we needed a leader on the ground living there last fall, I immediately thought of Shane, not only because of his interest in moving there but more so because of this decades of experience, ability to build relationships with his charismatic approach to everyone.”

For more information, visit https://www.lamacchiarealty.com/