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The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has announced it is accepting applications for the “Pitch Battle” competition taking place at the 2023 Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) Summit. This iOi Summit, the fifth annual, will take place August 29-30 in Miami, Florida.

The Pitch Battle competition, presented by NAR’s venture capital arm Second Century Ventures, will offer a unique opportunity for real estate technology startups to showcase their company and technologies to industry-leading investors, real estate practitioners and fellow technologists.

“Innovation is occurring at unprecedented speeds across the global real estate market,” said NAR CEO and SCV President Bob Goldberg. “The Pitch Battle at the iOi Summit will bring investors and innovators together to explore the resources, solutions and services that will be used by consumers and real estate professionals alike in the years to come.”

Each Pitch Battle participant will give a four-minute live pitch, followed by a four-minute, rapid-fire question-and-answer session from a panel of expert judges. Contestants must explain how their new tech solution or service works and how it can improve the real estate industry–either commercial, residential or both.

The winner will receive $15,000, earn a booth at NAR’s annual conference in November (NAR NXT), secure a meeting with the SCV executive team, have their company featured in an upcoming edition of REALTOR® Magazine and will present the next Pitch Battle winner at the 2024 iOi Summit. All entrants will also secure placement in the iOi Pitchbook, which is shared with investors in the weeks leading up to the event.

“The Pitch Battle provides a crucial springboard for tech startups looking to influence real estate markets and better serve consumers everywhere,” Goldberg said. “This platform can catapult businesses into the spotlight, garnering attention from an expansive network of venture capitalists, tech innovators and industry professionals. We’re eager to see the game-changing ideas that emerge this year.”

Applications for the Pitch Battle will be accepted through June 23, 2023. To learn more or apply, visit https://ioisummit.realtor/pitch-battle.