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Editor’s Note: In March, RISMedia released its 2023 Top 1,000 Power Brokers, exclusively for RISMedia Premier Members. In this special interview series, we talk to some of our top-ranking brokers to garner their insights and strategies for sustaining their firms’ success. For more information, click here

While many markets navigated a downturn in 2022, William Raveis, founder, chairman and CEO of the eponymous Connecticut-based brokerage, says his company outpaced the marketplace in nearly every community it serves last year. For William Raveis Real Estate, that includes 140 offices throughout all of New England plus New York and Florida. 

But despite these steady, strong markets, Raveis says his company has put some significant changes in place to ensure that success continues, mainly coaching and training, he says. 

“We are doubling down on coaching and mentoring this year. Our sales associates have the best products, services and tools in the industry,” Raveis says, adding that he expects his company’s markets to get even more active over the summer. 

In business for nearly 50 years, Raveis has led his family-run company’s success through many market dynamics. What does he see for Q3 and Q4 markets this year? Read our exclusive interview below from the 2023 Power Broker Report. 

William Raveis Real Estate

No. 11 Sales Volume
No. 15 Transactions

William Raveis

Founder, Chairman & CEO

Was your company’s performance in residential sales volume and transactions for 2022 in line with your expectations for the year? Why or why not? Due to interest rates, most markets are down. William Raveis is pleased to have outpaced the marketplace in nearly every community we service.

What is the most significant change your company is making this year to ensure success in a shifting market? We are doubling down on coaching and mentoring this year. Our sales associates have the best products, services and tools in the industry. With Raveis Complete, they can help homeowners purchase a new home, refresh a home for sale, make an all-cash offer, insure their belongings and more.

How do you anticipate 2023 ending up–are you seeing signs in your market(s) that things are turning around? We anticipate the housing market will become more active over the summer months. As interest rates dip, inventory will start to build. We are optimistic about the third and fourth quarters of 2023.

What is your approach to growth in the year ahead? As a family-owned business, we are continually looking for acquisitions along the East Coast. Currently, we have 140 offices, and are No. 1 one in most of our luxury markets.

RISMedia’s 2023 Power Broker Directory is available exclusively for RISMedia Premier members. For more information about RISMedia’s Premier, click here.