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Richard Haggerty, CEO of OneKey® MLS, the largest multiple listing service in New York, has been inducted into the National Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Hall of Fame, the MLS has announced. The honor recognizes members’ financial support and commitment to electing pro-Realtor® candidates across the U.S.

“I have been an enthusiastic RPAC supporter for many years during my career as a real estate industry executive leader and was first inducted into the RPAC Hall of Fame in 2015 when my voluntary contributions reached the first $25,000 mark,” Haggerty said. “RPAC is vital to our success. It’s the key to protecting homeownership and our industry’s interests. It brings me great satisfaction to be recognized by my colleagues and the REALTOR® community for my contribution to RPAC knowing it helps to make our industry stronger.”      

Haggerty was recognized for his contributions of $75,000 and inducted into RPAC’s Hall of Fame on May 8 at the NAR’s annual Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. 

Haggerty took the reins of OneKey® MLS on Jan. 1, 2023, after serving as its president and chief strategic growth officer. A highly regarded real estate leader with over 38 years of industry experience. At the top of this list is spearheading the merger and formation of OneKey®, the first metro area regional MLS.

Haggerty is also the former CEO of the Hudson Gateway Association of REALTORS®, Inc., a position he held since 2012. Under Haggerty’s leadership, HGAR grew its geographic reach significantly throughout the northern suburbs and into the Bronx. Haggerty also was at the forefront of promoting DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) at HGAR, and he also stepped up global initiatives for the association, which became a principal member of FIABCI-USA, the International Real Estate Federation in 2022.

For more information, visit https://www.onekeymlsny.com/