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Setpoint has acquired Resolute Diligence Solutions, a due diligence provider focused on Single Family Rental (SFR) and Residential Transition Loans (RTL). 

Resolute, according to a release, is the preferred partner by the world’s largest banks and private lenders as well as originators. The combination of Resolute’s outstanding service and Setpoint’s technology will revolutionize fintech lending. 

“Resolute is highly complementary to the Setpoint platform and, when combined, is far and away the best in class solution for capital markets borrowers and lenders. A clear example of 1 + 1 = 4”, said Setpoint Co-Founder and CIO Michael Lam.

Founded by Brent Taggart and Richard Lundbeck, according to a release, Resolute has quickly become a leading diligence firm covering SFR and RTL transactions. The company’s customer focus and deep industry experience enabled their rapid expansion and position as the preferred partner for lenders and originators. The company’s transaction services and customer service will continue to be a mainstay of the combined Setpoint & Resolute offering.

“We first learned about Resolute from our customers – the largest lenders and originators in the world consistently told us they loved working with Resolute,” said Setpoint Co-Founder and CEO Stuart Wall. “We realized that adding Resolute to the Setpoint platform would create an integrated, all-in-one solution that will revolutionize capital markets operations.”

Setpoint stated that they have been working to build a lightning fast, accurate infrastructure that makes credit more widely available and the underlying assets and loans more liquid, which drives down costs for lenders and borrowers. Setpoint offerings include a variety of third party verification services and capital markets operating software.

For more information, visit https://www.setpoint.io/