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RE/MAX Co-Founder Gail Liniger retired from the RE/MAX Holdings Board of Directors on May 25, 2023, and has been named vice chair emerita. 

Liniger, who co-founded RE/MAX alongside Dave Liniger in 1973, served as vice chair of the board since RE/MAX Holdings was formed in 2013, according to a release. During her tenure as vice chair, RE/MAX Holdings launched the Motto Mortgage brand, and saw RE/MAX grow to an all-time high of more than 140,000 agents in over 110 countries and territories.

“There is really no adequate way to articulate what a profound positive effect Gail Liniger has had on RE/MAX, RE/MAX Holdings and the hundreds of thousands of professionals who have aligned with the brand through the years. Gail has been a visionary, a role model, a strategic leader and an inspiration since the very beginning,” said RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. Lead Independent Director Roger Dow. “Her new title of vice chair emerita is an ongoing reminder of the core, overarching values most essential to the Company and its success.” 

In addition to Liniger’s retirement, RE/MAX also announced that stockholders have elected Norman Jenkins to the board of directors, and voted to re-elect Dow, Laura Kelly and Katherine Scherping.

“Norm will be an outstanding new voice on the Board,” said Dave Liniger, RE/MAX co-founder and chairman of the board. “His business acumen and extensive experience in the real estate and franchising industries, as well as his public company board experience, make him a great fit as we navigate the current economic times.” 

Currently, according to a release, Jenkins is president and CEO of Capstone Development, a role he’s held since 2009 when the company was founded. Capstone develops and acquires hotels, multifamily and other classes of commercial real estate. 

“I am so pleased to join RE/MAX Holdings board of directors,” says Jenkins. “I’m looking forward to working with the leadership team and am excited to bring a new perspective and fresh ideas to support the overall growth of the Company as it moves into the next chapter of success.”  

Jenkins succeeds retiring Director Ronald Harrison, RE/MAX stated, who served on the RE/MAX Holdings board since 2013. Prior to that, Harrison served on other RE/MAX boards since 2005.  

“Ron has been a pillar of the RE/MAX board of directors for years, and we are thankful for the strong, sincere insight he offered on many initiatives. His knowledge and expertise will be missed, and we thank him for his years of service,” said Dave Liniger. 

For more information, visit https://www.remax.com/.