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Next Real Estate Group, Inc. & Next New Homes Group, based in the Sacramento, California metro area, has joined the ERA Real Estate network, the company has announced. The firm, founded in 2008 and operated by broker Christopher Brown and principal Scott Bolli, is now known as Next Real Estate Group ERA Powered & Next New Homes Group ERA Powered.

“As an ERA Powered® company, we have the ability to keep our established brand while gaining the tech stack and depth of resale experience, which was key in our decision to affiliate with the ERA® brand,” said Brown. “Now, we can continue building upon the legacy of our company with the assistance of the ERA brand’s extensive catalogue of services. Their depth of resale experience and tech expertise is second to none and we are excited for our future as an ERA Powered company.”

Brown and Bolli intend to leverage this new affiliation towards the organic growth of their firm. They are currently looking to expand into resort sales in Lake Tahoe and Mexico. They also cite ERA’s resources, such as MoxiWorks platform and the TextERA lead generation tool, as advantages. 

“Having spent over 35 years marketing and selling real estate, I’m really excited about the way that the ERA brand has simplified homebuying and selling,” said Bolli. “I’m proud of all the new and innovative tools that we’ll now be able to provide to our affiliated agents, and I know that these new capabilities will help us to improve and expand our business here in the greater Sacramento market. The ERA brand gives us industry-leading technology and its intensive professional development resources will enhance our firm’s long-standing focus on agent education while allowing our leadership team to focus on business development efforts.”

“Sacramento is one of the most coveted areas to live in the country, and to now have Christopher and Scott representing the ERA brand in Northern California is terrific,” said  Sherry Chris, president and CEO of ERA Real Estate. “Over the years, they have established themselves as not only a service-oriented firm, but one of the premiere brokerages in the area, and their long list of commendations can attest to that. As an ERA Powered® company, the firm will benefit from the ERA® brand’s products, services, technology and support to continue growing their business their way, while keeping their company’s brand at the forefront. We are excited to collaborate and help inspire the next wave of growth for Christopher, Scott and their entire team.”

For more information, visit https://www.era.com/.