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In today’s real estate market, top agents know that prioritizing client relationships is key. Creating a stellar multi-channel marketing campaign to continually stay in touch with those clients will help ensure that you will always stay top of mind. Traditional mailings, social media, emails, and videos—it can be overwhelming and time-consuming. A sophisticated real estate marketing system that can do many of these tasks for you automatically will give you peace of mind that you are always staying in touch with your most important clients and leads. 

  • Put your marketing in the hands of experts   

It’s important to adapt the message to the medium, creating targeted campaigns and tracking your results quickly and efficiently. A full-service, experienced marketing company that concentrates on real estate will be able to offer you stress-free support with timely, relevant content. Using a combination of well-crafted emails and traditional mailers will position you as an informed professional who cares about keeping your clients in the loop when it comes to the real estate market. Look for a company that will create email or even mail content automatically for you so that you can concentrate on generating more leads and referrals and close more deals. 

  • Stay organized and on-task 

 A program that offers a simple-to-use customer relationship management (CRM) platform will make it easy to stay organized and run your business like a pro. Seek out a program that offers capabilities to enter your client’s information and details and then allows you to access it on a desktop and mobile device. A great CRM will also rank your clients in order of importance, so you know who to concentrate on first with either a call, mailing or to stop by with a small, thoughtful gift. 

  • Close more sales 

When you provide high-quality information and resources on a regular basis to your leads and clients, you strengthen your brand as a professional. They will come to know you as an agent who cares about them as people, not just as a transaction. This will naturally lead to more referrals and closing more deals. Working by referral is a less stressful way to gain clients without cold calling or purchasing leads online. Your pipeline will be filled with qualified clients whom you like and want to work with in the future.

Thousands of Buffini & Company clients use Referral Maker® PRO every month for all of their marketing and lead generation needs. In fact, many say they prefer it over other marketing programs and would not be able to run their businesses without it. Interested in joining the ranks of successful, productive agents? We’ve got you! 

Visit https://win.buffiniandcompany.com/coaching/business-consultation/ to talk to one of Buffini’s expert Business Consultants who will be happy to tell you more.