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When you got your first smartphone, visiting the app store was kind of fun—remember? But how long did it take all those cool apps to fill up your screens?  

Like your smartphone, real estate’s digital landscape is increasingly cluttered. Agents are burdened by the weight of standalone tools meant to simplify their lives. Unfortunately, this jumbled chaos of disjointed applications, dubbed “Frankenstacks,” has become a monstrous obstacle to growth and productivity. These patched-together systems fail to deliver the streamlined experience that modern real estate professionals crave.

Many brokerage owners believe that to equip their agents with the tools necessary for success in the intensely competitive world of real estate, they must invest in a veritable arsenal of different technologies. But as the industry pivots to the reality of fewer transactions, this outdated marketing approach is quickly losing ground to a sleeker, more efficient and highly affordable contender: the all-in-one marketing platform.

The real estate industry is not alone in this struggle. Business leaders across various sectors are championing the need for a more united approach to technology.

For example, Oracle’s GM of Customer Experience Rob Tarkoff stated that marketing flows should be “one streamlined process, one data model, one set of interactions, one clear end-to-end process.” This clarion call for unity resonates with brokerage owners seeking to maximize efficiency while minimizing expense—and confusion.

At the heart of this shift lies the realization that apps or siloed tech stacks alone cannot solve the core problem agents face: the need for seamless interoperability between all their technology tools. Only an all-in-one platform can deliver this level of integration, providing a single entry point and a unified experience that fosters productivity and innovation.

Beyond the obvious benefits of simplicity and ease of use, adopting an all-in-one platform can significantly reduce brokerage costs. In a market characterized now more than ever by razor-thin profit margins, the financial burden of maintaining multiple technologies or paying various providers can be crippling—especially if all your agents aren’t using all the tools provided. An all-in-one system offers an affordable alternative that empowers brokerages to invest in growth and success.

Moreover, as artificial intelligence continues to shape the future of real estate, broker/owners who embrace all-in-one platforms will be better positioned to leverage the power of AI. This cutting-edge technology requires a unified approach, underscoring the need for brokerages to abandon the sinking ship of Frankenstacks and embrace the streamlined solution that agents need: a simple, efficient and cost-effective all-in-one system.

Ultimately, the battle between all-in-one platforms and piecemeal combinations of best-in-class apps and siloed tech solutions has reached a decisive conclusion. The victor is clear: The all-in-one platform is the undisputed champion, providing brokerage owners and their agents with the integrated, streamlined and powerful tools they need to conquer the real estate market. 

Delta is a leading and trusted technology partner for many of real estate’s top brands, including 75 LeadingRE affiliates, over 50 top-ranked brokerages nationwide. For more information, visit https://www.deltamediagroup.com.