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Century 21 Real Estate LLC is returning to the St. Louis region with the affiliation of CopperKey Realty. Founded in 2018, the company is owned and operated by husband-and-wife duo Cassie and Chris Kramer. Cassie has been in real estate for nearly 15 years, while Chris joined the field in 2015. 

Now doing business as CENTURY 21 CopperKey Realty, the Kramers and their team will have access to the CENTURY 21® brand’s resources: technology, marketing, lead generation, agent coaching and productivity platform. 

“Engaging and charismatic, Cassie and Chris are highly experienced and savvy business owners who are clear in their intentions to grow their business for the benefit of those they serve,” said Mike Miedler, president and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate LLC. “We are fortunate to have them represent the brand in the St. Louis market and look forward to expanding the brand’s presence there under their leadership.”

CENTURY 21 CopperKey Realty specializes in all types of residential sales throughout St. Louis and St. Charles counties. The Kramers emphasize offering a high-quality support system to both their clients and their agents; both Chris and Cassie oversee professional and personal coaching.

The Kramers note that their main reason for affiliating with the CENTURY 21 brand was to help fuel growth. In the short term, the Kramers are focused on doubling the size of their existing team, while long-term plans are to increase the firm’s service area through strategic mergers and acquisitions. The company also claims that St. Charles County is the fastest-growing area in Missouri, and that this affiliation will give CopperKey agents the resources they need to capitalize on this influx of new residents.

“Watching agents grow and succeed is our passion as we foster a culture in which we all support each other so that we can change lives through meaningful work,” said Chris. “We consider service—to our affiliated agents, to our clients and to our communities—a privilege. Being part of the CENTURY 21 network means we now have the ability to enhance the service we provide.”

“We’ve built our company up to this point based on hard work and commitment to service,” said Cassie. “Now, as part of the CENTURY 21 network, we can add the industry’s top-notch tools and technology to round out the offerings we provide both our clients and our affiliated agents. We are so excited to bring the brand back to the region.”

For more information, visit https://www.century21.com/