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Signature Realty, based in Denver, Colorado, has affiliated with Century 21 Real Estate. The company, owned and led by husband-and-wife duo Shellee and Kyle Scherr, has been in business since 2003.

“Not long ago, I attended a Century 21 conference and found myself thinking, ‘my team needs this—they deserve this,’” says Shellee. “The people in the Century 21 network are so well-versed and knowledgeable, not to mention they have an impressive array of business building tools.”

The firm, now doing business as CENTURY 21 Signature Realty, has a team of over 40 sales associates, with specializations including everything from divorce relocations to first-time homebuyers. The Scherrs and their team will now have access to the Century 21® brand’s resources, from technology, marketing, lead generation, agent coaching and productivity platform.

“We’re excited to tap into the Century 21 global network as well as the brand’s extensive support to help fuel organic growth and productivity as well as attract new associates to the team so we can gain more marketshare,” said Kyle. “We’re also very focused on coaching, so having access to all of the Century 21 brand’s streamlined resources will free up more time to devote to professional development.”

“Shellee and Kyle really impressed us with their drive to always improve by consistently scouring the real estate landscape for opportunities,” said Mike Miedler, president and CEO of Century 21 Real Estate LLC. “They lead by example by always looking ahead so they can secure a successful future for their affiliated agents. We’re thrilled they chose us to be a part of that future.”

For more information, visit https://www.Century21.com/.