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Above: Michael Perna

Since partnering with Real Estate Webmasters 12 years ago, Michael Perna—team leader of The Perna Team at eXp Realty—has greatly benefited from the website provider’s extensive SEO capabilities.

Today, the recognition for his brand continues to grow exponentially.

“When my agents meet somebody that comes through our site, the most common reaction is, ‘Oh my gosh, your team is everywhere,’” says Perna. “Once [these prospective buyers] get to the point where they’re narrowing down neighborhoods, they always see our name.”

Not only does Perna’s messaging reach more viewers, but each respective lead is also significantly higher in quality. By using Real Estate Webmasters’ services, prospective buyers are often already aware of The Perna Team’s branding, area authority and expertise.

“When they come to us, they’re looking more for a relationship with a real estate agent rather than just somebody to open the door to the home,” says Perna.

“My agents love it, as it makes their job a lot easier,” says Perna. “They see the higher-quality leads that come through, and [my agents] are more likely to stay on the team.”

Perna’s success with SEO-generated leads has allowed him to direct funds away from paying for leads elsewhere.

“Within 90 days [of using Real Estate Webmasters], I had 75 organic leads per month coming in that I didn’t have before,” says Perna. “Those leads were producing an additional five closings a month, which were five closings a month I didn’t have to go and buy from Zillow.”

As a result, Perna is able to allocate this portion of his budget toward improving different areas of his organization.

“I could take that money and put it into educational programs and building out bootcamps,” says Perna. “Because I didn’t have to spend as much money on the marketing side, it freed it up for additional salaries and initiatives. It allowed me to form my business on growth.”

As a result, Perna grew his team, effectively allowing him to focus his energy on attaining more closings.

“Getting that 20 hours per week back was everything,” says Perna. “That time went straight back into prospecting, making the calls myself and doing what I’m best at.”

Real Estate Webmasters’ SEO services have also helped reduce the amount of time Perna’s agents spend reaching out to prospective buyers.

“No one ever said, ‘I want to get into real estate so I can sit on the phone 500 times a week,’” says Perna.

Rather than spending countless hours chasing empty leads, Perna’s agents are now able to invest their time in buyers who will invest back in them.

“Any pay-per-click out there, any Facebook marketing out there, you’re going to have to call 100 leads 1,000 times to close only two sales,” says Perna. “If you can stomach six to 12 months of the SEO juice working for you, generally speaking, 20 leads will result in three closings. And we typically only have to call them five times. It’s one-tenth of the effort.”

Though Perna’s success is an accumulation of a decades-long partnership with Real Estate Webmasters, he’s adamant that the result is well worth the investment.

“If you have the goal of being found online organically, plug into and use this program as a long-term vehicle toward success,” he concludes.

For more information, please visit https://www.realestatewebmasters.com.
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