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Moving is an exciting yet overwhelming experience. Whether relocating to new cities or just across town, it’s essential to be well-prepared to ensure smooth transitions.

There are several crucial things to know before moving to make your process as stress-free as possible. We will cover basic guidelines, key considerations, and preparations to help you make a successful move.

From experience as a REALTOR® and doing it myself a few times, moving is something to plan for in advance. The process is stressful, and you’ll only make it worse by not having a timeline for getting things done.

There are several things to know about moving that many folks don’t realize. Having a moving checklist can be very useful. Let’s review some of the critical things to have on your list.

Create a moving plan

One of the critical things to know before moving is that a well-thought-out moving plan is essential. Begin by creating timelines that outline all the tasks needed to complete leading up to the moving day. This plan should include important dates, such as when to start packing, hire moving companies, and notify the relevant parties of the change of address.

Having a plan in place helps you stay organized and reduce last-minute stress.

Hire professional movers

If you’re considering hiring professional movers, research and choose reputable movers. Hiring one of the best moving companies is crucial. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a moving nightmare. Read reviews, get recommendations from your friends or family, and obtain multiple quotes.

Ensure the moving company is licensed and insured to protect your belongings during the move. Booking movers well in advance is advisable, especially during peak moving seasons.

Remember to give the movers an appropriate tip for a job well done. Understanding how much to tip movers is essential. Proving a gratuity is expected for a job that’s well done.

Declutter and organize

Moving is an excellent chance to declutter and minimize your belongings. It will be part of preparing your home to sell anyway. Before packing, go through all the rooms and determine what you want to keep, donate, discard, and sell.

Reducing the items you need to move will save you money and make the packing process more manageable.

Budget your move

Moving can be costly, so creating a budget to keep expenses in check is essential. Consider all the move costs, including packing supplies, hiring movers, transportation, and potential storage fees.

Be sure to account for unexpected expenses as well. Having a clear budget will help you make informed decisions and avoid overspending.

Packing supplies and techniques

Packing efficiently is one of the essential things to know before moving. Gather an adequate supply of packing materials, including boxes, tape, wrap, and packing paper. Start packing early to avoid last-minute stress, and use proper techniques to protect your items during transport.

Label your boxes clearly to make unpacking more manageable at the new home. Getting your boxes early is one of the top moving tips.

Notify change of address

Don’t forget to notify essential parties of the change of address. Update the address with the postal service, banks, credit card companies, utility providers, and any other institutions that send you mail. This ensures that your bills and essential documents are promptly redirected to your new address.

Research your new location

Before moving to new areas, it’s crucial to do your research. Familiarize yourself with the neighborhood, local amenities, schools, and healthcare facilities. Understanding the area will help you settle in more comfortably and make informed decisions about your new home.

Transfer or cancel utilities

Contact your utility providers to arrange the transfer of services to your new address or schedule the cancellation of your current services. This should include electricity, water, gas, internet, and cable services. These utilities are essential when you arrive at your property.

Prepare for the unexpected

Even with careful planning, unexpected challenges can arise during a move. Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances like delays, bad weather, or last-minute changes. A contingency plan to handle these situations with minimal stress is a good idea.

Pack an essentials box

After arriving at the new home, you may not have the time or energy to unpack immediately. Pack essential boxes with items needed immediately, like toiletries, changing clothes, important documents, and basic kitchen supplies. Having these boxes readily accessible makes the first day in the new home more comfortable.

Plan for your pets

If you have pets, planning for their move is also essential. Ensure they have proper identification, like tags and microchips, and update your contact information.

Make arrangements for their transportation and accommodations in the new home, and have their essentials, such as food, water, and bedding, easily accessible during the move.

Consider storage options

If there’s a gap between moving out of your old place and your new one, you may need temporary storage for your belongings. Research local storage facilities and make arrangements in advance to ensure your items are secure and easily accessible when needed.

Final thoughts

Moving is a significant life event, and knowing what to do before moving is essential to a successful transition. From creating a moving plan to decluttering, budgeting, and hiring professional movers, these crucial steps will help you prepare and stay organized.

By addressing each of these aspects, you ensure a smoother and less stressful moving experience. Remember that planning and being well-prepared are the keys to a successful move.