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Above: Real Estate Webmasters CEO Morgan Carey

Taking risks is simply part of the real estate game. But what if you could minimize those risks? Real Estate Webmasters is stepping up, offering a groundbreaking money-back guarantee that’s shaking up the industry. Imagine investing in lead generation with the confidence that you won’t lose your investment. This is both a safety net and a trampoline to higher success and peace of mind. So, what makes this offer unique?

“Gone are the days of second-guessing your lead generation strategies,” says CEO Morgan Carey. “With this innovative approach, Real Estate Webmasters assures that your investment is protected. Think about it: a guarantee that covers not just the service fees, but also your marketing expenses. This level of commitment is unprecedented. It’s a bold statement in an industry where certainty is a rare commodity,” he adds.

“The Guaranteed Sale Program stands on two solid pillars: measurement and accountability. It’s built on the belief that what gets measured, gets improved. By utilizing the REW CRM/Deals management system, agents can track their performance meticulously. This data is a roadmap to enhancing follow-up strategies and boosting conversion rates,” says Carey. “Imagine having a tool that not only tracks your progress, but guides your growth.”

Accountability is the second cornerstone of the program. “When agents commit to the Guaranteed Sale Program, they’re pledging to follow up with every lead, with no exceptions,” adds Carey. “This commitment isn’t a burden, however, it’s a key to success. Speed and consistency in follow-ups are crucial, and this program makes it easier than ever. It’s fundamentally about nurturing leads effectively.”

Carey goes on to explain that participating in the Guaranteed Sale Program isn’t just a sign-up and forget-it deal. In fact, it requires a dedicated approach to managing leads. “Agents are expected to use the REW CRM diligently, logging every interaction and transaction,” he says. “This is about creating a culture of meticulousness and responsibility. Your journey toward becoming a top-performing agent starts with diligent record-keeping.”

The program also sets clear expectations for lead management. “Agents must follow the ‘speed to lead’ action plan, ensuring that each lead is approached with promptness and precision,” explains Carey. “Perfection isn’t the goal. Rather, it’s more about demonstrating consistent effort. By adhering to these guidelines, agents can maximize their chances of success. Remember, it’s the small steps taken consistently that lead to big achievements.”  

Drilling down further, according to Carey, the financial structure of the Guaranteed Sale Program is straightforward yet appealing. “For a monthly fee of $500 USD, you get access to a top-tier platform comprising a website, IDX and CRM. A minimum PPC spend of $1,000 USD is also part of the deal,” he notes. “This setup puts a powerful toolkit at your disposal for a total maximum of $1,500 USD per month.”

But it doesn’t end there. “The guarantee is based on your gross commissions before any splits or expenses,” says Carey, who goes on to explain that if your investment in the platform and PPC don’t pay for themselves, you’re entitled to claim your money back. This includes your SAAS payments, PPC management fees and even the ad spend sent to Google. “It’s a bold promise that underscores the confidence that Real Estate Webmasters has in its system,” concludes Carey.

With Real Estate Webmasters’ unique money-back guarantee, you’re investing in leads and peace of mind. Embracing this opportunity could transform your approach to real estate success. 

For more information, please visit https://www.realestatewebmasters.com.