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If you’re growing tired of your home’s appearance and looking for a way to increase curb appeal without breaking the bank, the first place to start is your front door. For the cost of a can of paint and an hour or so of your time, you can update the overall look and feel of your home with the one small measure of painting your front door.

The biggest decision you’ll need to make is what color to choose. Here are a few surefire suggestions from the design experts at Martha Stewart.

Earthy pink. This warm and inviting shade gives your home a pop of color without being overwhelmingly bright. This dusky shade of pink feels like a faded red, giving it both a traditional and stylish feel, and works well with exteriors crafted from brick or weathered shakes.

Green blue. This duck-egg shade adds an interesting moody vibe to your home’s color, and coordinates beautifully with your landscaping as well. Suitable for a variety of exteriors, this green-blue color works particularly well with stone and stucco exteriors.

Soft black. Front doors that provide a high degree of contrast with your home’s exterior can create a dramatic and eye-catching look. One of the most popular shades in this category is a soft black, a sophisticated color that is extremely versatile and works with almost any exterior finish, from basic white to wood tones to metal finishes. 

Rich blue. Reminiscent of the Provencal countryside, deep shades of blue are a perennial favorite and never go out of style. Look for a shade that is both vibrant and crisp, which will nicely compliment brick, stone or white exteriors.

Honey beige. Add a sense of spaciousness to small or darkened entryways with an inviting shade of warm beige. This neutral and versatile shade gives your home a welcoming feel, and pairs perfectly with a wide range of exteriors.