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PropStream has added demographics, a new localized insights dataset made available through its partnership with Local Logic. All real estate pros using the PropStream platform can determine location value drivers quickly and accurately, aiding in property comparisons, valuations and investment potential.

The company stated that this new upgrade will offer targeted and localized data for the following demographics up to a 1-mile radius of the subject property:

  • Housing Type
  • Income (Average Income, Employment Level, Income Brackets)
  • Total Population
  • Household Composition
  • Highest Education Level
  • Commute

“We are continuously looking for ways to grow our data range and coverage above and beyond our competition so that our customers have an all-in-one platform to make informed decisions to find and market to leads,” said PropStream President Brian Tepfer.

Tepfer continued, “While free demographic data is available, it’s often outdated and can be irrelevant to a subject property. Real estate pros can now become local experts armed with valuable neighborhood insights using PropStream’s powerful demographics data powered by Local Logic to generate more leads in viable markets.”

PropStream stated that for real estate pros, demographics are vital for determining investment and lead potential. Understanding a property’s physical details is good but not enough for a challenging real estate market. When buyers or renters choose where to live, the area and nearby demographics are significant selling points. 

“We are thrilled to be working with a leader in real estate data aggregation, where our unrivaled specialization in localized insights allows us to offer a unique data partnership to PropStream and its customers. In turn, providing their customers with clarity and intelligence to grow their businesses,” said Vincent-Charles Hodder, CEO of Local Logic.

To see Demographics in action—PropStream it. Activate your 7-day free trial and enjoy 50 complimentary leads.