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Above, from left,  Ron Yanks, Steven Reibel, Alex Cika, Ron Cika, Christina Pappas, Mike Pappas

The Keyes Company announces the significant addition of a high-performing team of more than 300 real estate agents previously affiliated with Coral Shores Realty. The team will be based in the Keyes Plantation office.

Ron and Alex Cika head up the new arrivals, bringing a combined 50-plus years of real estate experience to Keyes. Ron Cika has been a licensed real estate broker since 1980, and Alex Cika a licensed broker associate since 2010. Coral Shores Realty has closed in excess of $4 billion in residential transactions.

“We enthusiastically welcome this impressive team led by Ron and Alex Cika to the Keyes family,” Keyes President Christina Pappas said. “The team has an impressive track record, loyal client base and shares our core values emphasizing family and community. We look forward to supporting these agents with everything they need to maximize their success.”

The Broward County-based team represents buyers and sellers across the entire tri-county area. Its capabilities include new construction and existing single-family and condominium sales, high-end rentals, development sales and more.

“Our industry is changing, and it is important that we pivot,” Ron Cika said. “We knew partnering with a reputable and innovative family business like Keyes would give us the edge required to stay ahead. Giving our agents access to all the Keyes tools, technology and training is going to really help propel us in the right direction.”

Alex Cika described Keyes as a “perfect fit” for the team, noting that the constant changes occurring in the brokerage industry create the need to “stay up to speed with state-of-the-art technology, coaching and education, so this move makes perfect sense.”

Keyes continues to pursue strategic opportunities to expand geographically throughout Florida and bolster its roster of talented and dedicated agents. Firm Senior Vice President Steven Reibel oversees those efforts.

“We are in active talks with various broker/owners across the state,” Reibel said. “In recent years, as industry consolidation puts tremendous pressure on boutique brokerages, Keyes has become the go-to partner for such firms.”

For more information, visit https://www.keyes.com/.