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Autumn is a busy time of year. Summer’s languid days are in the past, and calendars quickly become filled with school schedules, fall sports, activities, the upcoming holidays and year-end deadlines. Having a soft place to land at the end of a busy day can help your household recharge after long days, reconnect and rest. 

Simplify the Extraneous
Clutter is one of the fastest ways to elevate your stress levels at home instantly. Busy schedules usually come with additional paper and accessories and less time to keep things in order. Creating drop zones in high-traffic areas will help to corral items and keep them from accumulating in main living areas. Baskets, drawer organizers, and customized cabinetry will help to keep these items streamlined and organized. Eliminating clutter and resetting these high-clutter areas will help your spaces feel visually calm.

Appeal to the Senses
When you enter your home, consider how you want to feel. If you crave a calm, serene landing pad, consider the colors that bring you a sense of calm. A signature scent, such as lighting your favorite seasonal candle, can help signal to you that you’ve arrived home and it’s time to relax. A go-to playlist can serve as your home’s soundtrack. Ensure the snacks that you crave are easily accessible so you can fuel up for your evening obligations.

Focus on the Lighting
Your home’s lighting will instantly transform a space and set the mood. As the sun sets earlier, incorporating more table and floor lamps can help to illuminate your home, creating a warm, welcoming glow. As the sun sets, rely on these additional light sources for the best overall ambiance. Switching out the lightbulbs in your light fixtures can also create a softer, warmer lighting effect. Paying attention to lightbulbs Kelvins will control the hues of your light bulbs. The lower the Kelvins means, the warmer the glow.

Select a Soothing Autumn Accessory Scheme
As you add autumnal accessories, focus on complementary autumn hues in shades of chocolate, tan, cream, bronze, ochre, and other warm shades. Adding additional layers, textures, and softness through throw pillows and blankets can create spaces that invite you to sink into. Textiles such as wool, cashmere, fur, wool, and cotton are all ways to envelop yourself in coziness this fall.

Incorporate Outdoor Foliage
Bringing in outdoor foliage, flowers, and plants can create a grounding effect in your home and help you connect to nature. Dried hydrangeas, branches,  eucalyptus, and kale, are all ways to bring the outdoors into your home.

Create an Outdoor Lounging Area
Extend the time you spend enjoying your outdoor living area by making sure it’s comfortable and inviting during chillier autumn evenings. A fire source, outdoor blankets, plentiful exterior lighting, and seasonal flowers in the planters can allow you to enjoy this outdoor space once summer’s temperatures are past.