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REALTORS® are no strangers to marketing—it being an essential part of growing your business. Seasonal marketing, however, is not always everyone’s cup of tea. While marketing a team can be a bit of a different animal, tactics like seasonal marketing are tried and true, and can’t be ignored. The power of seasonally marketing cannot be denied when it comes to bringing in clientele for your team.

Now that fall has arrived, jumping into piles of leaves can wait—it’s time to bring that Autumn flair to your team’s marketing efforts. 

Social media: Giveaway

Giveaways are a strong way to boost social media engagement and brand awareness, and very easy to theme seasonally. Running a fall giveaway on your team’s socials can look like encouraging followers to share their fall decor ideas and awarding the fan favorite, or having followers interact with a poll or prompt of your choosing (like sharing their favorite fall memory in their home).

These giveaways will help give your team’s social profiles that fall aesthetic, and will also help to boost your team’s following and post engagement—a win-win scenario!

Events: Workshops/webinars

Workshops and webinars are another marketing event that works all year round, and is super easy to tailor to the season. Your team can run workshops/webinars like breaking down the fall buying/selling season for potential or current clients, going over fall home maintenance tips, talking about staging/decorating a home in the fall theme, and more.

When planning these events, your team can add an edge of expertise by involving other industry professionals, such as mortgage brokers, interior designers, home inspectors, home builders and so on. You can even add that hyperlocal angle that’s so important to team marketing by involving local businesses and community representatives to share their expertise.

Events: Seasonal community events

Joining community events is another must to give your team’s business the local edge it needs, and these events often trend around the seasons. See what events are happening in your team’s area and go out of your way to join, both to get your team’s name out there and to give back to your community. Events like leaf cleanups, harvest festivals/fairs, flea markets, food drives for Thanksgiving and so many more are great opportunities for fall marketing. For non-charity events, make sure to bring flyers, free swag and maybe even have some free hot apple cider to hand out to community members.