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As a real estate broker, you know it’s important to get your clients’ homes sold quickly, for top dollar. One way to do this is to encourage them to fix up their homes before they put them on the market.

There are many benefits to doing this. According to studies by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), homes that have been updated or renovated sell for an average of 6% more than homes that have not—and 25% faster. 

Time and time again, the brokers who offer pay-at-close programs as part of their listing presentations win more deals. Selling a home is the largest and most stressful transaction in most people’s lives. When sellers can borrow capital with the ability to defer payments until close, it helps them make improvements, stage and even pay for things such as moving. Removing the need for sellers to provide money out of pocket not only creates upside for everyone involved in the transaction, but it also significantly reduces stress for the homeseller. Winner winner chicken dinner!

It’s also about doing the right thing for their buyer. We’ve all seen home inspectors discover problems that lead to long closing times or major seller concessions. If the buyer finds out after they’ve purchased it, they may be able to sue the seller for damages. By fixing up the home before it’s sold, you can help protect your client from slow closing, severe discounts and liability while reducing headaches for the buyer. 

Naturally, some sellers may be hesitant to fix up their homes or even list because they don’t have the money to do so. However, there are streamlined ways to finance home repairs and defer those payments until close, which is how we partner with brokers today.

By encouraging your clients to make improvements before selling, you can increase the odds of getting more money for their homes, selling faster and reducing their liability. Next time you’re working with a homeseller, be sure to talk to them about these benefits before they put their home on the market. You will be pleasantly surprised at how these programs can help get more listings and provide your sellers the best outcomes. 

For those interested in learning more about automated financing solutions for homesellers and instant access to the top service providers, additional information can be found at https://www.houseamp.com/brokerages