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Editor’s Note: Social Skills is a bi-monthly feature in RISMedia’s Daily News focused on social media and digital marketing tips, trends and solutions for agents and brokers.

As we move forward into the new year, maintaining a consistent and creative presence on social media is essential. In addition to your regular content, posting about housing-related holidays and awareness months can offer agents unique opportunities to educate, engage and connect with their audiences. Plus, national days and awareness months are highly sharable and relatable, which can encourage your audience to engage through likes, comments and shares. 

So, as you put together your content calendar each month, align your social strategy with these notable dates to help demonstrate your expertise, build trust and grow your following. And as an added bonus, check out some of our recommended captions that are sure to grab your audience’s attention!


  • Feb 10: National Home Warranty Day
    • Use this day to highlight the importance of home warranties for buyers and sellers. 
    • Example caption: Protect your biggest investment! 🏡 Today is #National HomeWarrantyDay, so let’s talk about how a home warranty can give you peace of mind, whether buying or selling! DM to learn more! ✉️


  • National Credit Education Month
    • Educate your audience about credit scores and how they impact homebuying.
    • Example caption: Your credit score matters! 💳 📈 It’s #NationalCreditEducationMonth, so here are some tips for boosting your score and securing the best mortgage rates. [Include video or infographic]
  • Mar 30: National Real Estate Broker Day
    • Celebrate the brokers you work for or work with in your real estate community.
    • Example caption: Today is #NationalRealEstateBrokerDay! 👨‍💼🏘️👩‍💼 A big thank you to the brokers who lead, mentor and inspire us. Tag a broker who has made a difference in your career in the comments below! [Include brokerage team photo]


  • National Fair Housing Month
    • Raise awareness about fair housing policies and practices.
    • Example caption: Fair housing is more than a law–it’s a right. 🏘️ Let’s celebrate #FairHousingMonth by working together to create equal opportunities for all! 🙌
  • National Apartment Housing Month
    • Showcase apartments for rent or investment opportunities.
  • National Healthy Homes Month
    • Share tips for maintaining a safe and healthy home environment.


  • Affordable Housing Month
    • Discuss affordable housing challenges and solutions.
    • Example caption: Affordable housing matters. 💰🏘️ Let’s explore how we can support sustainable and accessible housing for everyone this month, and beyond! #AffordableHousingMonth


  • National Homeownership Month
    • Celebrate homeowners and their journey to homeownership.
    • Example caption: June is #NationalHomeownershipMonth! 🏠 Whether you’re buying your first home or your forever home, I’m here to help every step of the way. Let’s make your dreams a reality, like I have for so many! [Include photos of your recent homebuyer clients]
  • Jun 28: National Insurance Awareness Day
    • Educate clients on the importance of home insurance.


  • REALTOR® Safety Month
    • Provide safety tips for agents and clients.
    • Example caption: Safety first! ⚠️ During #RealtorSafetyMonth, we’re sharing tips to stay safe during showings, open houses and beyond! Stay vigilant and protect yourself. [Include infographic or link to safety tips]
  • National Mortgage Professionals Month
    • Highlight your mortgage partners or collaborate to share financing tips.
  • National Preparedness Month
    • Discuss preparing homes for natural disasters.
  • Sep 22: National Property Managers Day
    • Recognize property managers for their hard work.
  • Sep 28: National Good Neighbor Day
    • Encourage community building and neighborly kindness.


  • National Cybersecurity Month
    • Discuss protecting personal information during real estate transactions.
  • Oct 10: World Homeless Day
    • Raise awareness about homelessness and how to help.
    • Example caption: Everyone deserves a place to call home. 🏠 This #WorldHomelessDay, let’s support initiatives that provide shelter and resources for those in need. [Include team volunteering photos]
  • Oct 30: National Weatherization Day
    • Share tips for weatherproofing homes for winter.


  • Designation Awareness Month
    • Promote certifications and designations in real estate, showcasing your expertise.
  • National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
    • Support efforts to aid homeless youth.


  • Dec 21: National Homeowners Day
    • Celebrate homeowners and the joys of homeownership.
    • Example caption: Home is where memories are made! 🏠 Happy #NationalHomeownersDay to all of the incredible homeowners who have chosen me to be the one to take you on this journey! [Include client testimonials or photos]

Sources: NAR, Realtor.com, NCSHA

Are you looking to boost your online presence, enhance your content and grow your real estate business? RISMedia’s ACESocial is truly simple content marketing proven to highlight your expertise, increase engagement, generate leads and build brand awarenessall in one place. To learn more or sign up today, visit  acesocial.rismedia.com.
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