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The National Association of REALTORS® has announced the evolution of its Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) initiative, shifting from an annual summit into a continuous engagement platform designed to empower real estate professionals with tools, insights and networking opportunities.

Instead of a once-a-year event, iOi is now a year-round collective for real estate technology and innovation, providing NAR members, PropTech founders, investors and technology leaders with ongoing access to industry-shaping insights and connections, a press release stated. Through real-time updates, in-person PropTech meetups, webinars, a dedicated tech blog and curated programming at NAR’s major conferences, iOi is fostering deeper engagement and collaboration across the real estate ecosystem, NAR noted.

“The new iOi collective’s overarching goal is to expand the community and drive innovation by bringing together real estate professionals and technology leaders,” said Dan Weisman, NAR director of innovation strategy. “Technology is reshaping real estate faster than ever, and iOi is evolving to meet the industry’s needs.”

As part of this transformation, NAR said two of iOi’s signature features are finding new homes at NAR’s flagship conferences. The Innovator of the Year awards, which recognize leaders who are driving the advancement of real estate through innovation, will be held at the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings in Washington, D.C., each spring. The Pitch Battle, where startups go head-to-head for a game-changing business boost, will take place at NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience, in Houston, Texas, this November.

“As the industry continues to advance, iOi ensures that real estate professionals don’t just keep up with technology–they help define its future,” Weisman said.

To stay informed about the latest PropTech trends, industry insights and upcoming iOi programming, sign up for the iOi newsletter at ioi.realtor/subscribe.