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Florida’s Stellar MLS has announced the launch of its new Stellar Central Dashboard, which includes more efficient and user-friendly business solutions in one workspace with upgraded security enhancements.

Stellar MLS has partnered with Centris to launch the platform, the company noted. The new dashboard enhancements include:  

  • View listings on customers’ dashboards: Stellar Central’s dashboard update allows customers to view listings directly from their dashboard homepage.  
  • The tools customers need, right where they need them: The updated dashboard puts Stellar MLS’s product suite directly at customers’ fingertips, making it easier than ever to manage listings, search and showcase properties and access market data and other resources.  
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Security is Stellar’s top priority. As one of the largest MLS’s to implement MFA, an industry standard security measure, Stellar is protecting and strengthening customer accounts from unauthorized access. By requiring multiple forms of verification, MFA adds an extra layer of defense, to ensure accounts–including data and listings–stay secure.  

“We are excited to offer these enhancements to our Stellar Central Dashboard and are confident they will greatly benefit our customers,” said Merri Jo Cowen, CEO of Stellar MLS. “This launch reaffirms Stellar MLS’s commitment to leading the way in real estate technology, delivering tools that prioritize efficiency, security, and user experience.”

“We are thrilled to partner with Stellar MLS and provide our technology behind the new Stellar Central Portal,” said Éric Charbonneau, president of Centris. “Stellar MLS has set the standard for supporting real estate professionals in achieving success, and their commitment to innovation has created the perfect environment to deliver a seamless and productive workspace that brings value to their stakeholders.”

For more information about the Enhanced Stellar Central Dashboard, click here.