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A comprehensive survey of Residential Real Estate Council (RRC) members and CRS Designees released this week shows robust industry performance and high career satisfaction among real estate professionals, with members outperforming industry averages in transaction volume and maintaining strong market presence despite challenging conditions

A breakdown of the findings in the survey includes:

Transaction and sales performance

•    Members averaged 35.34 total transactions in 2024, more than triple the national average of 10 transactions for REALTORS®
•    The median sales volume was $3.2 million, with top performers reaching significantly higher volumes
•    Members averaged 13.41 seller-side transactions and 10.06 buyer-side transactions
•    Robust referral networks, with members averaging 4.42 agent-to-agent referrals sen

Career satisfaction and longevity

•    75% of respondents reported being “very satisfied” or “extremely satisfied” with their real estate careers
•    Over 74% indicated they are “very likely” to remain active in real estate over the next 3-5 years
•    The membership includes a strong contingent of experienced professionals, with 50% identifying as senior-level professional

Industry insights

Survey participants identified five key characteristics for success in real estate:

•    Problem-solving ability and resourcefulness
•    Self-motivation and entrepreneurial mindset
•    Honesty and integrity
•    Hustle and tenacity
•    Attention to detai

Business models

The survey showed diverse business approaches:

•    68% operate as agents or team members
•    19% maintain sole ownership of their businesses
•    7% are part-owners
•    4% serve as stockholders or corporate officers 

To learn more about Residential Real Estate Council, click here.