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Editorā€™s note: The COURT REPORT is RISMediaā€™s weekly look at current and upcoming lawsuits, investigations and other legal developments around real estate.

NAR and Phoenix REALTORSĀ® reach agreement

NAR announced on Friday that it reached a resolution with Phoenix REALTORSĀ® to bring the local association back into compliance with NARā€™s Constitution and Bylaws, allowing the local association to retain its charter.

Phoenix REALTORSĀ® renamed its ā€˜MLS Choiceā€™ membership option but will continue to offer non-REALTORSĀ® access to the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service (ARMLS) as it has done since 1996. In addition, Phoenix REALTORSĀ® will provide certain products and services to non-REALTORĀ® licensees who purchase non-member MLS Access.

In a statement forwarded to RISMedia, NAR said that ā€œ(w)e are pleased to have reached this resolution, which protects the rigorous standards of the REALTORĀ® brand. We look forward to continuing to work with Phoenix REALTORSĀ® in service of REALTORSĀ® and our shared mission.ā€

Phoenix REALTORSĀ® additionally issued the following statement: ā€œPhoenix REALTORSĀ® remains committed to the REALTORĀ® brand, the three-way agreement, and the benefits made possible by the relationship between the Phoenix association, Arizona Association of REALTORSĀ® and NAR. This outcome supports both Phoenix REALTORSĀ®ā€™ and NARā€™s ultimate goal of helping REALTORĀ® members succeed and the real estate industry at large thrive.ā€

Whaley v. NAR remains stayed

Plaintiffs and defendantsā€™ joint motion to extend the stay of Whaley v. NAR has been granted.

Parties had requested the stay to be extended as appeals are heard in terms of the NAR settlement and the Gibson Final Approval Order, and as eXpā€™s settlement in the Hooper case continues to pend.

The case was originally stayed back in May 2024 due to the pending NAR settlement, and was then extended in October 2024 as other settlements were pending.

Anya Roberts v. eXp reschedules trial

The sexual assault lawsuit has modified itā€™s scheduling order leading up to trial, delaying all dates by about three months.

The trialā€”originally set for April 28 of this yearā€”is now set for September 22. The last day to conduct a settlement conference has also now moved from March 25 to June 23.