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“Commission Conversation Strategies”

A video panel discussion from RISMedia’s Rocking in the New Year 2025 with:

Jessica Edgerton, chief legal officer/executive vice president of Industry and Learning, Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®

Jillian Young, president, Premiere Plus Realty

Darryl Davis, owner, Darryl Davis Seminars

Keith Robinson, chief strategic officer, NextHome, Inc.


In this dynamic session from RISMedia’s Real Estate’s Rocking in the New Year, an annual virtual educational conference held early in January each year, several prominent real estate leaders gathered to discuss the new real estate commission environment post NAR settlement. These experts share insights into how, working with both buyers and sellers, transparency about agent commissions is front and center, and accurately explain how you get paid and by whom–business aspects that are critical for success and compliance. This panel shares how they’re handling commission conversations to ensure both.

Session highlights: 

2:00: Jillian Young answers the question, “What are you seeing that has allowed your agents to thrive in this new landscape?”

5:00: Darryl Davis shares how storytelling has helped his real estate agent coaching clients “lean in” in 2025 in a post-settlement era. 

8:00: Keith Robinson talks about where agents should focus on negotiations. “I’m very much ready to turn the page on settlement discussions and get back to how to serve our clients at the highest levels.”

10:00: Ideas for distinguishing yourself from the competition.

12:45: “The business that I want to build is built around service; the one that’s built around shepherding people around a stressful transaction; the one that at the end of it they say, ‘I can’t imagine having done this without you.’”

14:35: Jillian Young answers the question, “What are you doing with your agents to promote better communication, mindset, flexibility and motivation.”

18:00: Do’s and don’ts on conversations with buyers, sellers and fellow agents.

26:45: All the panelists share “one word” that is essential to success in the real estate business in 2025. 

For more information, or to request access to replays from the event, click here