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LAS VEGAS—The world and the real estate industry is evolving—and the RE/MAX brand is following suit.

In order to help affiliates stand out in the online and social media environments, where the homebuying and selling journey begins, RE/MAX introduced a refreshed, digital-first balloon logo and logotype during the 2025 RE/MAX® R4® convention in Las Vegas this week. The new look and feel is designed to amplify the professionalism, trust and strength of the global network’s 145,000 agents.

R4 attendees caught the first look at the modernized RE/MAX branding during the event’s Opening General Session, where they learned about several big innovations. Erik Carlson, CEO of RE/MAX Holdings, and Abby Lee, RE/MAX EVP of marketing, communications and events, unveiled the changes for the audience.

RE/MAXBuffini & Company Founder & Chairman Brian Buffini interviews Lee and Carlson about the brand refresh and new suite of tools announced during R4 in Las Vegas earlier this week.

“One thing that is so important in this day and age is how you show up online—97% of consumers start the real estate journey online,” Lee explained to the crowd. “And actually 75% of consumers rate a company based on how they show up online. So we really did a lot of hard work to see how we could show up differently in the digital space. We’re not talking about a full blown refresh, that will come later. We want to put this in your hands today because the longer we wait to get ahead in digital, our competition’s going to get ahead of us there. We want to put this into your hands now so that…you show up better day in, day out in social media channels and in digital advertising.”

“We’re repositioning ourselves for the next 50 years of RE/MAX,” she added.

RE/MAX noted that research shows the company leading the industry in brand awareness, and explained that the refreshed branding will only strengthen its reputation for trust and professionalism, qualities that have been on full display during a tumultuous chapter for the industry.

“2024 challenged our industry like never before,” said Carlson during his keynote address. “You had rising rates, historic low inventory, market headwinds that devastated many lesser agents. But that’s not your story, is it? Nope. You did what RE/MAX agents always do—showed up every day ready to work. You doubled down on excellence. You represented, you guided people. You proved why again, you are the greatest agents in real estate.”

Carlson explained that the recent devastation caused by the Los Angeles wildfires deepened his appreciation for the work real estate professionals do. “We are guardians. Guardians of humanity’s greatest need, the need for shelter, security, comfort in this increasingly untethered world,” he said.

Carlson also emphasized why he believes RE/MAX stands out among the various brokerage models on the current real estate playing field.

“Too many competitors have forgotten what business we’re in,” he said. “They have turned real estate into a game of building downlines, chasing those pyramid schemes. What frustrates me is watching these talented and ambitious agents being sold a story, a bill of goods that diminishes the very essence of the business, the story that celebrates shortcuts over service, the superficial over the meaningful, and that reinforces that being good enough is good enough. In what universe does ‘good enough’ inspire trust and greatness? Not in this business and never in this house because we don’t do ‘good enough.’ Because it diminishes what the profession stands for.”

RE/MAX believes the brand refresh will only reinforce the professionalism of its agents, and pointed to data that showcases the positive power of the brand’s change. In multiple surveys conducted by creative agency Camp + King, the new logo outperformed several key competitors in terms of being modern, appealing and liked. Plus, the bulk of the survey respondents called the new look more dynamic for social media.

“It’s time to get loud with a unified identity for RE/MAX. Now that we have this new branding that’s primarily for a digital space, we have more creative license to leverage the brand,” said Dane Rickard, leader of the Mile High Home Group with RE/MAX Professionals in Littleton, Colorado. “We’re not creating inconsistency—we’re creating synergy that’s going to take this brand to new heights.”

Taking their creativity even higher, affiliates can place an image of themselves between “RE” and “MAX.” The flexibility puts agents “in the center of the conversation,” Lee said.

With the strategic digital-first approach, RE/MAX affiliates can download new resources and incorporate them into their social marketing. Physical assets, such as yard signs and other in-real-life branding measures, are not part of the digital-first launch. The refreshed branding and the existing branding will work in tandem to maintain, and increase, the network’s industry-leading positions in brand awareness, recognition and trust.

The digital balloon and logotype reflect a comprehensive, ongoing modernization for RE/MAX, an initiative that will touch many aspects of the brand’s strong value proposition.