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Abagnale“Catch Me If You Can” author and film subject Frank Abagnale will headline RISMedia’s 22nd Annual Power broker Reception & Dinner on Nov. 3 in Chicago, Ill., sharing how he went from one of the world’s most notorious con men to an international cybersecurity expert, as well as insight and lessons on security. Abagnale, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in Steven Spielberg’s “Catch Me If You Can,” went from his early years as a check forger and serving time to paying all the money back and eventually using his knowledge to help the FBI catch fraudsters and helping business and government organizations stay a step ahead of cybercriminals.

WATCH: Catch Me If You Can: The Frank Abagnale Story

RISMedia’s Power Broker Reception & Dinner is an exclusive, invitation-only event honoring the Top 500 brokers in RISMedia’s annual Power Broker Report & Survey, published in April. The event, held at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, includes a cocktail reception followed by a dinner and an awards ceremony. For more information on attending, please contact Randi Vannucchi at randiv@rismedia.com.

RISMedia’s Power Broker Reception & Dinner is presented by RISMedia, publisher of Real Estate magazine, and Platinum Sponsors Buffini & Company; Homes.com; RE/MAX; and Quicken Loans; Master Sponsors American Home Shield; Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices; Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate; ERA Real Estate; HSA Home Warranty; and the National Association of REALTORS®; Host Sponsors Create for the Human; Leading Real Estate Companies of the World; realtor.com; Realtors Property Resource; Wells Fargo Home Mortgage; and Zillow Group; and Event Sponsors Cole Realty Resource; MoxiWorks; the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP); ReferralExchange; Ten-X; and zipLogix.

Earlier on Nov. 3, RISMedia will host its annual Power Broker Forum, “New Strategies for Engaging Consumers,” from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. at the McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building, Room W184 A, during the REALTORS® Conference & Expo. Leading Power Brokers will share their strategies for more effectively engaging consumers through all of today’s many communication channels, and take marketing efforts to the next level—online, and through automated social media, branding and shareable content—and how those strategies impact the bottom line. RISMedia’s Power Broker Forum is open to all full and day conference attendees.

Conference Attendees: Be sure to visit Booth #3412 to learn how RISMedia can be your trusted content partner and enter for a chance to win an Amazon Echo!

For more information, please visit RISMedia.com.

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