by Joe Bebon | Sep 16, 2019 | CRISIS-Friendly, Exclusive Articles, Exclusive Articles Real Estate |
Most Americans need a car to travel to and from work, run errands and take their kids to after-school activities. People also need a place to live. If you want to purchase a house in the near future, splurging on a brand-new vehicle could make it difficult or...
by Joe Bebon | Sep 16, 2019 | CRISIS-Friendly, Exclusive Articles, Exclusive Articles Real Estate |
A fence can keep your children and pets safe in your yard, shield your family and guests from the prying eyes of neighbors, and protect your property from damage caused by trespassers or animals. Choose the right fencing material based on your security and privacy...
by Joe Bebon | Sep 12, 2019 | Exclusive Articles, Exclusive Articles Real Estate |
Depending on where you live, winter could mean low temperatures, snow and ice. In late summer and early fall, start thinking about the upcoming winter and doing everything necessary to prepare your home for the changing conditions. Unclog the Gutters Clogged gutters...
by Joe Bebon | Sep 12, 2019 | CRISIS-Friendly, Exclusive Articles, Exclusive Articles Real Estate |
Homeowners insurance companies adjust rates from time to time based on a variety of factors. Some of those factors are directly related to individual policyholders, and others have nothing to do with specific homeowners. If you’ve received a letter from your insurance...
by Joe Bebon | Sep 12, 2019 | CRISIS-Friendly, Exclusive Articles, Exclusive Articles Real Estate |
Facing the prospect of foreclosure can be terrifying. Programs are available to assist borrowers in difficult circumstances, but some people prey on homeowners who are afraid and desperate. Here are some tips to help you avoid becoming a victim. Beware of False Claims...