by Susanne Dwyer | Sep 18, 2016 | Advice, For Your Clients, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News |
Owning your own home is an important and some would say essential part of the American dream. However, once you’ve invested the time and hard work to save up enough to be able to finally afford your dream home, you might find that you are faced with a lot of...
by Susanne Dwyer | Sep 17, 2016 | Advice, For Your Clients, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News |
It’s almost time. Sigh. Summer is drawing to a close, like it or not. Before the leaves fall and the wind turns chilly, it’s a good idea to do some seasonal maintenance on your home. Here are some things to add to your fall “honey-do” list. Have your furnace...
by Susanne Dwyer | Sep 15, 2016 | Advice, Agent, Best Practices, Best Practices, Broker, How-To, Latest News, Lead Gen, Lead Story, Technology, Trending |
Finding new prospects is the lifeblood of any real estate practice. Lead generation is one of the most profitable tasks you can factor into your schedule, especially in today’s market. But what happens after you capture new leads? Customized landing pages, social ads...
by Susanne Dwyer | Sep 15, 2016 | Advice, For Your Clients, Home Spun Wisdom, How-To, Latest News |
(TNS)—With autumn upon us, it’s time to think about air and soil temperatures falling — thankfully after a long, horribly hot summer, in some regions. In the garden, cooler days and nights call for a cool-season vegetable garden filled with lettuces, spinach,...
by maria | Sep 12, 2016 | Advice, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News, Lifestyle, Uncategorized |
(TNS)—If you want to save money, you might consider cutting out your daily latte. While you’re at it, ditch anything else you enjoy, if it’s not an essential expense. That’s what being frugal and budgeting is all about, right? Wrong. You can live on a budget and have...
by Susanne Dwyer | Sep 11, 2016 | Advice, For Your Clients, Latest News |
When divorce turns a person’s life upside down, one of the biggest challenges is housing – specifically, finding a new place to live, and deciding whether to buy and how much to spend. During that tumultuous time, real estate professionals can play a key role in...