by Susanne Dwyer | Nov 22, 2016 | Advice, For Your Clients, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News |
You just became a homeowner—congratulations! In between the oh-my-gosh-I-have-a-mortgage feeling and the pile of empty pizza boxes (you have yet to unpack your cookware), you may be making a mental list of all the things you’re going to do to make your...
by Susanne Dwyer | Nov 21, 2016 | Advice, Buying/Selling, For Your Clients, How-To, Latest News, Trending |
Today’s Ask the Expert column features Adam Long, president of HomeTeam Inspection Service. Q: What are the best ways to prepare a client for a home inspection? A: Today, home inspections are almost universally recommended by every real estate professional. When it...
by Susanne Dwyer | Nov 21, 2016 | Advice, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News, Lifestyle |
Santa Claus is coming to town, so we need to get our wrapping A-game on. The thing is, as cute as snowman wrapping paper is, we’ve all seen it. A million times. Every Christmas. Aunt Sally could really use a new style. Whether she made it here herself or she’s just...
by Susanne Dwyer | Nov 16, 2016 | Advice, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News, Lifestyle |
(TNS)—Staying with friends or family is one of the most popular ways to save on travel. While your hosts are more than likely happy to have you, there are a handful of surefire ways to increase your chances of never being invited back. HomeAdvisor recently conducted a...
by Susanne Dwyer | Nov 15, 2016 | Advice, Buying/Selling, Buying/Selling, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News, News |
If you are like so many homeowners today, you are not living in your “forever home” right at the moment. Rather, the home you currently reside in is a stepping stone to get you that much closer to your dream house. It is likely you are always keeping one eye on your...
by Susanne Dwyer | Nov 14, 2016 | Advice, Home Spun Wisdom, Latest News, Lifestyle |
(TNS)—What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. A case in point: travel agent. Many predicted the demise of the entire profession as online travel agencies began proliferating on the internet. There were casualties. About a third of the agencies in business at...