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Tips to Generate Leads and Trust in a Tough Market

Tips to Generate Leads and Trust in a Tough Market

Jonathan Mack went into real estate seven years ago, not realizing his claim to fame and amazing sales success would actually come from appearing in his own real estate videos. Mack is the CEO of Mack Real Estate in San Diego, Calif. He implemented video marketing...
Real Estate Facebook Strategies That Work

Real Estate Facebook Strategies That Work

As a real estate agent in Eureka, Mo., Josh Kahn, of The Josh Kahn & Katie Busk Team, took a creative approach to growing his business. He had been to training seminars where different social media strategies were taught, but noticed everyone around him was simply...
10 Ways to Use Video in Your Real Estate Business

10 Ways to Use Video in Your Real Estate Business

The following information is provided by the Center for REALTOR® Development (CRD), with assistance from Lauren Hampton and the Podfly editorial team, and is a recap of the Center for REALTOR® Development Podcast Episode 22.  In Episode 22 of the Center for REALTOR®...
Why You Should Hire a Social Media Assistant in 2019

Why You Should Hire a Social Media Assistant in 2019

Social media continues to be one of the best ways to find new business. Creating your social footprint is a great first step, but having someone who knows how to run those accounts and platforms to optimize your results is the best way to ensure the success of your...
How to Write and Run a Real Estate Blog

How to Write and Run a Real Estate Blog

One of the best ways to generate leads while ensuring potential buyers and sellers stay informed about the real estate market in your local area is by blogging about it. You don’t necessarily need an English degree to run a real estate blog, but as a real estate...