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RISMedia’s Power Broker & Newsmakers Reception & Dinner

Friday, November 12, 2021 | 6:00 p.m. PT

Marriott San Diego, California
Held in conjunction with the annual REALTORS® Conference & Expo

RISMedia is proud to present the 2021 RISMedia Power Broker & Newsmakers Reception & Dinner. Honoring the achievements of those firms who appeared in RISMedia’s annual Power Broker Report and those selected as RISMedia’s 2020 and 2021 Newsmakers, the Power Broker & Newsmakers Reception & Dinner is the industry’s premier “who’s who” event. This invitation-only event brings together America’s finest residential brokerage firms, owners and senior executives from the nation’s largest independent and franchise firms.

2021 RISMedia’s Power Broker &
Newsmakers Reception & Dinner Sponsors





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RISMedia’s Power Broker Forum:
Setting Your Sights on a Record-Breaking 2022

In RISMedia’s annual Power Broker Forum, leading brokers discuss how to achieve new levels of success as we move beyond a pandemic environment. As market dynamics continue to shift, panelists will share how they’re building a business plan for the future, one that incorporates valuable strategies and innovations that emerged over the past year and a half, but also returns to the basics that made them successful in the first place. From rethinking office space to implementing the right technology to addressing the new needs of today’s buyers and sellers, brokers will share how they’re reengaging agents—and attracting new ones—as we move into 2022 and beyond.

Friday, November 12, 2021 | 10:30 a.m. PT

San Diego Convention Center
Ballroom 20 CD