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Pets have many upsides, from enriching our lives to offering unconditional love at all times of the day. However, pets also come with some challenges, including hair, fur, dirt, dander, odors, and sometimes, little messes or accidents around the house. This can make keeping your home clean and fresh a bit difficult, so finding the best and safest cleaning tips is crucial. Here are some cleaning hacks for pet owners for a clean home and a happy pet. 

Use Natural Cleaning Solutions 
Many cleaning solutions are made up of harsh chemicals that can be very harmful to pets. Keeping them safe from these chemicals and cleaning solutions is crucial for their health. Try using natural cleaning solutions that are effective and strong, yet harmless, such as white vinegar and baking soda. These ingredients are great for removing odors and stains from carpets, furniture or other surfaces and fabrics. Simply mix equal parts water and white vinegar or baking soda to either dab or wipe down surfaces and fabric. 

Invest in a Pet-Hair Vacuum
Pet hair and dander can quickly become one of the toughest challenges to manage in your home. A vacuum cleaner specifically designed for pet hair is a smart investment, especially if you have multiple pets that shed often. These high-quality vacuums often have specialized attachments that can reach into corners and furniture crevices where pet hair hides the most. Vacuum at least twice per week to significantly reduce the accumulation of pet hair in your home.

Utilize Spot-Cleaning Techniques 
Spot cleaning is the quickest and more efficient way to deal with accidents before they settle into the floor, furniture or other areas of the home. In addition to your natural cleaning solutions, keep enzymatic cleaners handy for pet accidents. These are designed to break down stains and odors on a molecular level, which can help keep your pets from re-marking these areas. Clean up accidents immediately, allowing baking soda or other cleaning solutions to absorb, then vacuum.

Regularly Deep Clean Pet-Heavy Areas
Pets are family, so they are often following you around the home and touching nearly every surface or piece of furniture. Deep cleaning is crucial for removing pet dander and odors that accumulate over time. For upholstery and carpets, use a steam cleaner to extract dirt and allergens from the fibers. For bedding, both your own and pet beds and linens, should be washed regularly in hot water to kill dust mites and remove pet hair. Pro tip: Use pet-friendly detergents free from harsh chemicals and fragrances, as these may irritate your pet’s skin. If you have persistent odors throughout the home, use natural deodorizing techniques, like baking soda, to eliminate odors. Consider diluting essential oils, like lavender, to lightly mist fabrics and upholstery.