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Creating lifelong relationships should be the goal of every agent on your team. Adding value to buyers by providing actual value is easy to do, yet most agents don’t add any value to a potential buyer and, therefore, don’t get hired and don’t convert many leads into new clients.

By adding tremendous value to the home-buying experience with every single potential new client, your buyer agents can convert more leads into loyal clients and referral sources for life. You have to include the value and be able to communicate and market yourselves as actually adding real valuable services to them—even exclusive services that no other agent or brokerage does in your marketplace.

I’ve always said, “First we sell ourselves and our value, then we sell a house.” Do your agents know how to sell the value of your team and what they bring to the potential client’s experience?

Follow these easy-to-implement steps that will have everyone on your team creating real value-add to potential buyers and see your lead conversions increase dramatically, as well as listings, sales, repeat clients and referrals.

Step 1: Create a system for all new clients.  
This means every single new, potential client (both listings and buyers) go into the system for tracking and more effective follow-up. Using a simple CRM, you can create better follow-up reminders for calls and emails and make sure you are maximizing each lead, and nothing will slip through the cracks. It all starts with an organized, repeatable system.

Step 2: Provide your own “Exclusive Homebuyer Program.”
Sure, your brokerage may have some great printed or digital buyer presentation, but you need to create your own, team-branded version and include each of your buyer’s agents with their own customized page for their presentation and guides. You need to co-brand with your company, but include your team photos, your mission, your purpose, your marketshare graphs and your system and program that your team provides. Coach the agents on your team how to communicate, with confidence, the services outlined in your buyer program and guide. Provide each of your buyer’s agents with their own “About Me” page that showcases the special skills and services they bring to the buyer.

Create a digital and printed Exclusive’ Homebuyer Program. What your unique program consists of is all of the steps you take a buyer through, from needs analysis to financing to home inspection through closing and moving. You want to show added value, and here is your chance to show them all the valuable tasks and expertise you bring to the table, and that you do it better than anyone else in the market. You have exclusive access to know about new listings that your team is listing before they come on the market that you can get that buyer into first and fast. These are real value propositions that you must be able to communicate and show each new client. Create a brochure or digital booklet or “Homebuyer Guide” that shows the radically differentiated value you and your team bring to the table for this buyer. Brand it and demonstrate all the special and extra services you and your agents bring to the process that make it stress-free. Literally say that you add value to the process and are seen by your clients as invaluable to the process of home-buying and -selling.

Step 3: Include an offer to enroll in the Exclusive Homebuyer Program and receive a complimentary Homebuyer Guide.
This is a free value-add. People want the information you are willing to give them, and when you provide it, they are not only impressed; they choose to work with you. Include everything they need to buy a home, from the offer to purchase, home-buying specifications and wants/needs list, financing, list of referrals for home inspectors, title and closing information and moving checklists. When you give it a name (“Homebuyer Guide”), it makes it real and legitimate and truly valuable. They will be overwhelmed with your services and see you as the top professional that you are. Your team members will be able to convert at a much higher level, too, because they will now have a marketing tool that communicates the value of working with them and your team.

Step 4: Use these everywhere to convert leads into clients.  
Your new Exclusive Homebuyer Program should be used at open houses, on call-ins and when responding to online leads on your listings. Refer to the program and the guide to help show your services and the expertise your team provides. Offer this as a lead generator on social media with a call-to-action link, and you will see amazing results from effectively marketing yourself.

By coaching your team and differentiating yourself through using an Exclusive Homebuyer Program, it will give you a competitive advantage when trying to get hired by potential buyers. It goes without saying that you will have to provide this level of service to your buyers, as well. Again, talk about what you actually do for your service fee. You will separate your team and the buyer’s agents on your team from everyone else who offers nothing to a new buyer except some MLS printouts. Your team will be adding tremendous value, attracting and converting new clients and referrals, as well as generating new revenue to your team immediately.

For a free copy of my exclusive “Adding Value to Buyers” script strategy, click here.

Sherri Johnson is CEO and founder of Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting. With 20 years of experience in real estate, Johnson offers coaching, consulting and keynotes, and is a national speaker for the Homes.com Secrets of Top Selling Agents tour and the Official Real Estate Coach for McKissock Learning and Real Estate Express. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching strategy session or visit www.sherrijohnson.com for more information.