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One of the most challenging aspects of running a brokerage is the need to develop expertise in many other fields beyond the real estate industry.

Marketing is one of those tricky roles, especially if your goal is to develop a branding strategy that helps your brokerage stand out in your market.

Here are five helpful suggestions:

1. Get Clear About Your Brand
What type of clients do you want to attract? How does your brokerage differ from your competitors? What notable advantages do you offer?

Your objective is to capture your points of differentiation and translate them into a memorable image and a compelling value proposition.

For example, you may be the go-to brokerage for young families moving into the community. Or perhaps you’ve invested in cutting-edge technology and want to leverage this point of differentiation.

2. Prioritize Client Perspectives
Branding is one of those unique marketing skills that is part art, part science. One of the best ways to evaluate your efforts is to put yourself in your clients’ shoes.

Get intimately acquainted with clients’ priorities, concerns and perspectives. What questions do they ask? What services do they value?

When you view your branding decisions through the lens of a hypothetical client, it’s much easier to see what will appeal to them—versus what appeals to you.

3. Consider Agent Perspectives, Too
As a broker, clients are your top priority, but it’s also essential to attract and retain skilled agents. Fortunately, when you have a compelling brand story, you’ll kill two birds with one stone.

Agents will be drawn to a brand with local market cachet, especially if you offer a good fit with their professional priorities and values. Plus, if you have a clear and captivating message, it’s easier for your agents to act as brand ambassadors and extend your reach.

4. Cover All the Bases
Branding touches every aspect of your business. That includes messages conveyed in your marketing and advertising efforts, such as your website, your social media campaigns, your logo and your signage.

It also includes many subliminal messages, like the image projected by your office or the way your agents use (or potentially misuse) social media. Aim to create alignment in every aspect of your branding so that all the pieces reinforce one another.

5. Spread the Word
Branding takes time and effort. It’s not enough to build a new website or develop a new logo. Constant reinforcement is the only way to make an impact. Potential clients need to see your messages repeatedly.

Your impact will be even stronger if you’re able to encourage interactions with buyers and sellers. That’s why it’s essential to include a call to action, offering something valuable whenever possible.

An Offer From REBAC
Our most recent issue of Today’s Buyer’s Rep, the monthly newsletter for REBAC members, explores branding strategies in greater detail. If you’re not a member of REBAC, but would like to read this issue and share it with your agents, please reach out to us at rebac@realtors.org and ask for a digital copy.

Marc D. Gould is senior vice president of Member Development for NAR, overseeing a wide range of professional development programs for REALTORS®, including the Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council (REBAC). REBAC is the world’s largest association of real estate professionals focusing specifically on representing the real estate buyer. With more than 30,000 active members, REBAC awards the Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation to REALTORS® who have completed the specialized education and documented experience in working with consumers purchasing a home. To learn more, visit REBAC.net.