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The technology landscape for engaging with homebuyers is evolving at a rate not seen in recorded history. The average homebuyer is drowning in a sea of advertising touches and automated marketing. There is so much marketing noise that consumers are becoming numb unless the marketing is from a trusted source and delivered in a timely fashion.

As a broker, you not only waste money when you advertise out of phase with your client, but also, you can destroy that trust. According to ChiefMartech.com Founder Scott Brinker, the ecosystem for marketing and advertising technology vendors exceeds a staggering 8,000 martech and adtech software vendors. All of these vendors, whether B2B or B2C, have a perspective on better customer/buyer engagement, banging the drum of engagement as a measure of success. The average consumer is bombarded with information from multiple channels, with multiple end goals…and they are getting tired of it. Aren’t you?

Turn the Noise Into a Clear, Recognizable Tone Your Clients Can Hear
Survey the barrage of marketing messages that are being pushed out of all your systems, all with the goal of increasing engagement, but having little to do with helping the consumer. What do you hear? Do you feel like a friend of yours is sending you something they know you need, or think you might like? That is the best test ever. Put your friends and family into your marketing programs and see how many of the people who love you will continue to listen.

When I first became associated with MooveGuru, I asked for an overview of their unique value proposition, and it immediately made sense to me. Finally, someone is engaging people during one of the most stressful times of their lives with information they can use. Since that time, I’ve witnessed a lightbulb idea turn into a robust solution for engaging with the mover for a long-term conversation—one that engages with the mover versus talking at the mover.

Over their lifetime, your average customer moves an average of five times. They are not only planning to buy and sell a house, but they are also planning to relocate all their stuff. Once the mover has their mind set on an actual life change, they are left with a raft of questions:

  • Where do I start?
  • Will I find services that are like what I’m used to?
  • What confidence do I have that once moved I will be able to settle back into a routine I can find comfort in?

Famed business expert Peter Drucker once said, “Show me that you know me, and I’ll care what you know.” Agents absolutely know when a customer is moving, yet only a few are deploying full-service solutions like MooveGuru to help them. Consumers are looking for confidence in making the right choices in making their move. They are looking to be settled during this time of stress. As the broker, you and your agents are the trusted advisors. Offering something like the MooveGuru “mover’s concierge” gives your client the peace of mind they so desperately seek during a major life event.

Sam Walton, of Walmart fame, quipped in the late ’80s that “technology not employed with the end buyer in mind is just noise.” The technology “signal-to-noise-ratio” has never been noisier.

W. Scott McNabb is a board advisor and investor in MooveGuru and a 20-year marketing technology leader, speaker and technology industry pundit. McNabb is a resident of Atlanta, Ga., and an industry advocate for ethical consumer engagement and privacy.