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Being the expert and setting up social media profiles in your area are just the first steps to generating leads for your real estate business. Once you’ve taken care of the basics, it’s time to think about creating some Facebook Groups to win the chance to engage directly with members in your area.

This week, we had CEO and founder of Lab Coat Agents, Tristan Ahumada, on our Secrets of Top Selling Agents webinar to share the power of running a Facebook Group to be as successful as possible.

What Is a Facebook Group?

A Facebook Group is just what its name implies: a group that is found on Facebook. In a Facebook Group, you can create content that is geared toward a specific audience. Depending on your goals, that audience could be a group of local residents, fellow real estate agents or DIY enthusiasts.

Get Used to Facebook Groups 

Ahumada suggests joining several large Facebook Groups before diving in to create your own. This gives you the opportunity to get used to how the group works. You should also pay attention to the content in the group that stands out and what people are saying about those topics.

Additionally, you should pay attention to how the admins work, what content they allow and how the content is moderated. This gives you the chance to learn how to moderate for your own group when you are ready.

Determine What Kind of Facebook Group You Want 

Facebook Groups can be a great tool to achieve many different purposes. Before you create a group, try to think about what your goal is so that you can target the audience you are trying to include in the group.

Some groups that may be popular and help you achieve your business goals include:

Specific Neighborhoods: A group focused on a neighborhood could be a great place for you to start. As mentioned before, think about the audience that you wish to target. Invite past clients who live in the neighborhood to join the group and have them share that group with their neighbors. Then, get the conversation started by asking members to recommend their favorite spots around town.

Buy, Sell, Trade: You can also make a group that is targeted to buying, selling or trading goods, otherwise known as a BST Group. A group like this can help create a sense of community, especially if members regularly engage in the group. You also have an opportunity for group members to organize a group or neighborhood sale.

Private Group vs. Public Group 

One final thing you might want to decide on before you create your Facebook Group is if you would like a public or a private group. There are definitely benefits to both of them.

A private group gives you the chance to only allow certain people to join the group. Where a public group allows anyone access to join the group. If you want to have a more specific group, the best thing would be to create a private group so you can monitor those who wish to join.

There are endless opportunities for engagement and exposure when you create a Facebook Group. Facebook is a great way for you to reach new clients, but it can take a lot of time to nurture your social media presence and create groups with a targeted audience. To watch the Secrets of Top Selling Agents webinar recording on creating a Facebook Group, join the Secrets of Top Selling Agents Facebook Group here. 

Joe Sesso is director of Sales and national speaker for Homes.com. For more information, please visit marketing.homes.com.