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The real estate industry has done a superb job adjusting what used to be normal operations to safer, socially distanced activities. This shift, however, has left many agents feeling flat when it comes to executing a high-caliber open house. If this is you, or perhaps an agent you know, I want to bring attention to a life-saving platform that will reignite your business.

Spacio, a digital sign-in system offered by HomeSpotter, is an incredibly useful piece of tech that should be in every agent’s toolbox. It has allowed thousands of agents to pivot into the new normal. Let’s take a look at the top features Spacio offers and how they help agents execute the basics at a high level.

Touchless Sign In. Prior to 2020 and the revolutionary impact that COVID-19 has had on how we do business, the primary benefit of a system like Spacio was the digital platform it provided as an alternative to handwritten, often illegible sign-in sheets. After all, people are more likely to sign in on digital platforms than on paper. Because each Spacio open house operates on a unique URL, a QR code can be generated for visitors to scan using their own device. Not only is it safer, but it also makes the sign-in process quicker so that you can get on with the tour.

Pre-Registration. Open house attendees don’t have to wait to show up before they can sign up. However you promote the open house (MLS, social media, email, flyers, signs, etc.), simply include the QR code or sign-in link so prospects can pre-register hours or days in advance.

Automatic Follow-Up. There’s so much to do immediately after an open house. In addition to locking up the home and picking up signs, you also have your own life to take care of. Don’t fret! Once the open house is closed out, Spacio sends a customizable email to every prospect who signed in. Lead information is also stored for future communication.

CRM Integration. Hate double entry? Spacio links to most CRM systems and will automatically send all sign-in contacts directly to your database.

If you’re ready to check out Spacio, visit https://spac.io/ for more information, pricing and a 30-day free trial.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas as far as how you think a system like Spacio could take your open house promotion and lead conversion to the next level. Email me at kat@workmansuccesssystems.com.

Kat Rockwell is a senior coach with Workman Success Systems, the director of professional development for CB&A, REALTORS®, an instructor for the Houston Association of REALTORS®, co-leader of The Rockwell Team and a public speaker. She is a graduate of the Texas REALTORS® Leadership Program (Class of 2019) and has the privilege of speaking at real estate conferences such as Leverage and HAR Engage.